Bronzing powders: what they are and why use them

by time news

A correct application of bronzing powders can highlight skin attributes. We tell you how to use this product and what its advantages are.

Bronzing powders: what they are and why use them

Last update: March 06, 2023

Looking tanned, healthy and uniform skin is a desire of many people when the summer months arrive. To achieve this, practices such as overexposure to UV rays or sessions in sunbeds are usually incurred, which are associated with harmful effects. However, bronzing powders are presented as a safer alternative within the field of cosmetics.

This product has the ability to darken the tone of the dermis. It is applied to the face, shoulders and chest to achieve a tan effect. If applied subtly, the finish is very natural. How is it used? What are the most common mistakes during your application? In this space we detail it.

What are bronzing powders?

bronzing powder They are cosmetic products intended to imitate the natural tan of the skin. Therefore, they are usually used during the summer months, when exposure to the sun is more frequent, as well as the desire to exhibit a tanned dermis. Even so, it is a product that can be applied at any time of the year.

The use of tanning creams and powders has changed over time. At present, more subtle applications are opted for, in order to achieve a natural effect and not an exaggerated orange tone.

At the same time, There are techniques that work to accentuate or reduce certain facial features. For example, refine the nose, highlight the cheekbones or highlight the contour of the lips.

Therefore, this product has an aesthetic purpose, especially used to achieve that summer tone on the face. The best? This goal is achieved without the need to use aggressive methods, such as sunbeds.

Bronzing powders give a tanned look without the need to expose the skin to the sun or tanning beds.

Why use them?

People try to tan their skin in different ways. Sometimes, they relapse into exaggerated exposure to the sun and avoid fundamental care such as the use of sunscreen. Other times, the solution is to access tanning beds, questioned for their negative impact on skin health.

A study published in the Costa Rican Journal of Public Health marks the direct relationship that these machines have with skin cancer. In addition, it indicates that the risk of melanoma increases by 75% if the people who use them are under 30 years of age.

Bronzing powders —for their part— carry less risk when looking for darker skin. This does not mean that your application should be abused. The most important active component in these products is usually the dihydroxyacetona or «DHA»causing discoloration of the skin towards a darker tone.

Although it is considered an agent that is not harmful to the dermis, excess can cause irritation or allergy. People with sensitive skin should be especially careful not to generate an allergic reaction with these products.

On the other hand, it is common to confuse the use of bronzers with that of sunscreens. Nevertheless, tanning products do not serve any function as UV protectors.

Bronzing powders: ways of application

These powders are primarily targeted at the face, but can be moved down to the shoulders and chest, as these are often bare areas. In this way, it is possible to show off an aligned tan on the entire upper part of the body.

There are many ways to apply them; in principle, with a general rule that grants a basic tan. However, with its placement at certain strategic points, it is possible to accentuate or reduce some features of the face.

brush types

The first thing to keep in mind is that you need a large size brush to apply the powder and distribute it evenly. It is recommended to use a brush with a conical shape and enough fluffiness to favor the application.

It is important not to exaggerate with the quantity of the product, since it is always easier to correct the shortages by placing a little more.

Choosing the right tone

There are numerous options on the market for all skin types. In general, it must be considered that the objective of the product is to generate the sensation of a natural tan and not of an artificial shine. Following such a premise, it is recommended to acquire a tone twice darker than the skin color.

  • light skin. Powders in apricot or gold tones look good on this type of skin.
  • dark skins. In this case, the brown powders correspond.
  • Sallow Skins. For yellowish skin, it is suggested to try light brown and ocher bronzing powders.
  • pink skins. The range of browns also favors these skins, although they must be soft.
  • satin powders. They generate a natural effect and hide wrinkles.
  • Powders in matte finishes. They should not be applied to dry skin, as they increase the effect.

Basic steps to apply bronzing powder

The correct distribution of this product is achieved by forming a kind of number “3” on the face. Start at a point on the side of the forehead, above the temple and close to the scalp. Then, you have to go down to the cheekbone, forming a curve. The idea is to get up to inches from the nose.

From that point, you have to go back down towards the mandible, again drawing a curve. Here, it is advisable to smear a little more product on your finger. At the end, the design of an imaginary “3” will have been formed. Although it is an effective technique for most faces, it is best suited to long faces.

Common mistakes when using bronzing powder

There are a number of practices that should be avoided to achieve that natural tan that is sought when acquiring bronzing powders.

  • Avoid application all over the face. For that, it is convenient to follow the “3” technique, or one of its variants.
  • Beware of excesses. Placing too much can generate the opposite effect to the desired one, in addition to creating a very artificial shine.
  • Dry skin. For this type of dermis, it is advisable to avoid powders and opt for other formats of bronzers, such as creams.
  • exaggerated shine. If too much glitter is added, the particles create a reflection in the sun’s rays that is not aesthetically pleasing.

How to achieve effects with bronzing powders

In addition to looking for a natural tan, these powders have the ability to produce different effects on facial features. It is about highlighting the depth in certain specific sectors, in order to highlight or hide parts. Here are some examples:

  • To shorten a long face, you have to place the product on the forehead and chin.
  • In the same way, it is possible to highlight the cheekbones by placing the powder below the bone area. If certain parts are darkened, the others are highlighted.
  • To refine the nose, it is applied to the sides of it.
  • If the idea is to deepen the look, the cosmetic is applied in the orbit of the eye, as if they were shadows.
Technique is important when using bronzing powders. Otherwise, it can look unsightly.

Alternative ways to apply bronzing powder

Beyond the “3” technique, other forms of application allow you to generate different effects. For example, for a fine tan, which aims for a more elegant result, bronzing powders should be placed in areas of the face that stand out. That is, on the cheekbones, on the chin and on the nose.

On the contrary, a more informal result is obtained with the general application and a product in a matte tone. Alternatively, it is possible to use the “W” technique, which achieves a more even application.

It is about making movements forming tiny copies of that letter on the face, passing through the forehead, cheekbones and chin. Then, with a few light circular passages, a natural tan is achieved.

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