“We can do stronger than January 31”, hopes Laurent Berger

by time news

The January 31 day of action against the pension reform brought together 1.27 million demonstrators according to the police, and more than 2.5 million according to the unions.

Towards a tidal wave in the streets on Tuesday, for the sixth day of mobilization against pension reform? In any case, that is what Laurent Berger hopes and expects. “I think we can do better than January 31, which was already the biggest mobilization since the early 90s“, assured the secretary general of the CFDT this Monday morning on France Inter. As a reminder, the day of action on January 31 – the second after that of January 19 – brought together 1.27 million demonstrators according to the police, while the inter-union counted more than 2.5 million people in the streets. .

«I call on the employees of this country, the citizens of this country, the pensioners of this country, who are against the pension reform, to come and demonstrate massively“called Laurent Berger on France Inter. “I think tomorrow we must have an extremely powerful mobilization day. That means many many people in the streets», took over the number one of the CFDT. He assured that there was “even more places of gatherings than the other times, (…) more than 250-260“. In the rail sector in particular, there is “a massive follow-up of railway workers, who are very determined“, Pointed to RFI Thomas Cavel, the secretary general of the CFDT Cheminots, this Monday morning.

Towards a renewable strike?

Invited to France 2, Marie Buisson, secretary general of the Federation of Education, Research and Culture of the CGT (Ferc-CGT), repeated on France 2 the wish of the unions to put “France at a standstill” Tuesday. That is, to “stop work in all sectors to stop production and services in France“Said the one who could soon take over from Philippe Martinez at the head of the CGT plant.

On the continuation of the movement, Marie Buisson reaffirmed the will of the CGT to initiate a renewable strike. “We call for renewal and to meet with the employees. We don’t have the “go on strike” button, it’s an individual and collective decision in the workplace. We are called to do so.On the renewable strike, Laurent Berger underlined that “sectors (could) afford it but not all». «The CFDT will propose other types of mobilization, other mobilizations, if we are not heard“, he contented himself with affirming, specifying that the inter-union was going to meet on Tuesday, the evening of the day of actions, “to discuss follow-up».

AT SEE ALSO – Strike of March 7 against the pension reform: “We must block the blockers”, according to Bruno Retailleau

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