Girona is not a home»

by time news

God forbid, what a record.

It was many years ago, I hardly remember it anymore. I have been very lucky to be in the Barça and there you fight for everything. Time flies so fast, it seems like decades have passed. And it’s really been a while, but not that long either. I’m left with memories, friendships, life off the court and some more specific title.

How does it end in Girona?

They came looking for me, because they believed in a new and different project, from below. The issue of the base was prioritized, I have been there for eight years now. When they proposed it to me, I told them that if it was a long-term project, I would be involved. In addition, they conveyed a lot of desire and excitement to me, and that also made me very happy. One of the premises we had was to transport Girona to the top, which is what we are achieving this year: we have had three debutants and others are there with the prospect of doing so. And we have to keep in mind that there are dwarfs below that push hard.

The project beats spectacularly, right?

For me it is a great achievement that the first team is holding up so much in the top division. With the budget we have, it’s very complicated. But we enjoy a base that is lucky: we won a championship ofSpain and two championships of Catalonia. When I got here, hockey was only about him GEiEG. Instead, now the Girona has set the standard. When you talk about hockey in Girona, you talk about Girona. And this is due to the role of the training teams, who make themselves heard. We reach important championships and we have boosted women’s hockey.

What figure is currently moving?

We are about twenty teams, between men and women, and about 120 players. When I landed there were less, of course. But what has really brought about the change is the mentality. I’m a competitor and I wanted the base to compete. There is room for everyone, because hockey can also serve as a sport and that’s enough; but Girona is not a camp, you come here to train, compete and go all out.

Is it enough that Girona has a hockey team in the First Division?

We are talking about a sport that is not entirely the majority, and more so in Girona. There are many sports here, because they are practiced. And more than football, it is a basketball city. I wish sections could be made, as Barça has or is trying to doEspanyol. On a budget scale, hockey means a pittance and that would be nice wouldn’t it? Last year there was the double promotion of Girona and the Basketball Gironai l’Uni he has been in the elite for years. We had a special occasion to do something different.

Do you think that this would strengthen the Girona brand?

Exactly, it would help a lot more. In its day, it was already tried to encompass the different sports. Illusions are also lived in and I would love to put it all together was a reality, but it is very complicated. I know that through some contact and thetown hall, more or less it was tried and that it is kept in mind, at least, the will to strengthen all this. With Barça, we marched through the city with all the champion teams and I assure you it is unforgettable.

Did he expect the method implemented since his arrival to give such good results?

He trusted the one he wanted to contribute, clearly. Yes, it is true that it has cost a lot and involves significant psychological wear and tear. Time and everything. But now it fills me up, because I see reflected everything we’ve worked on these years. And above all, because I see the future of all those kids I’ve managed since pre-teens and now they’re in the first team. This was my dream and this is worth more than a lot of money, because it shows that hard work pays off.

There is a recorded image: that of three youths playing at the same time on the Noia court.

Yes, and it’s very positive, but it’s not just that: the children are champions of Catalonia and Spain, to give an example. We want to show that apart from the first team, which is at the highest level, players are created below. And it’s a basic aspect, especially when you have a small budget and you know that signing costs.

Should talent be retained?

When they have to leave, I’ll be the first to find a place for them. It should not be held back, I think quite the opposite. It must be formed so that later, if there is the possibility of taking a further step, to be able to leave. And here they will always have open doors if they want to come back. I have experience, in this sense: I was in the Torderalater I grew up in the Blanesal Vic and Barça. And my fantasy was to return to Tordera and I always make sure that I’m from Tordera, because that’s where I grew up. And I would like those who are dwarfs today, when they grow up to say they are from Girona, even though they may have to take a leap in order to evolve. If they are ready for the Champions and win titles myself I’ll tell them that we can’t teach them anything else here and I’ll let them fly. The key is that it is there, the talent. And in Girona it is there.

Now the first team has accumulated two victories in a row and is eleventh in the table. What is the balance?

At the beginning of the championship we knew we would be in this area, despite the fact that we have tried to climb positions. Our hope was to try not to fight for the play-out, as we had to do last year, where we saved ourselves in the last game. But we were clear that we would have to do very well. I think we did not do badly, but the results did not match. On the other hand, now they have done it.

How would you define it, in the team?

It costs a lot to beat us, but it costs us a lot to win. We are the worst scorers in the League, but we are the seventh least fit. It is difficult for us to kill the games and this fact leads to having fewer points. But I am satisfied. I would really like to not play it all for life and death again and hopefully the wins will give us confidence. The next match, against Vilafranca, is vital. We must try to add the three points, maintain the spectacular attitude we have, so that we leave our skins at all times and not go beyond the day to day. And believe always believe

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