Warn of “dengue fever”, the number of cases is rising, 6,156 people have died, 4 cases, 6.6 times higher than the previous year, Bangkok is the most epidemic

by time news

The Department of Disease Control revealed that this year was sick. “Dengue fever” soaring, found 6,156 cases, 4 deaths, compared to only January, sick 6.6 times more than last year, found the Aedes larvae index in the house at 8.54% in the container 4.81%, expected this week to increase the trend

On March 7, the Department of Disease Control published “Weekly Prognosis and Health Threats” for the 9th week from March 5 to 11, 2023, stating that from the information from the disease surveillance report system Situation of dengue fever in 2023, from 1 Jan. to 1 Mar., there were 6,156 patients, 4 deaths. 0-4 years, representing 27.81%, 16.39 and 12.76%, respectively. The areas with the highest morbidity rate were Bangkok, 23.84%, Southern region, 16.33%, Central region, 14.07%. Compared to 2022, it was found that Jan. had more patients. last year 6.6 times

This week’s prognosis is expected to see more patients. and from survey data of Aedes aegypti larvae Via the VHV/VH application online, week 8, the number of 394,045 houses, 33,661 houses with mosquito larvae were found, representing the House Index: HI at 8.54% and surveying 4,332,352 containers. 208,425 containers with mosquito larvae were found, representing a Container Index: CI of 4.81%.

protection is Sleep under a mosquito net or in a room fitted with a screen. put on clothes that cover Apply mosquito repellent lotion containing DEET, the recommended concentration for children and adults is 20-30% and 20-50%, and follow the measures “3 keep, prevent 3 diseases”, i.e. keeping the house airy, keeping garbage and scrap containers out of the way. breeding ground And keep the water source completely closed, change the water every week to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs. Small water containers that change the water every 7 days, such as vases of fresh flowers. Buddha altar vase Vase at the shrine It can prevent 3 diseases: dengue fever. Zika virus infection and fever, joint pain, mosquito bites

However, if there is an acute high fever that lasts more than 2 days, along with symptoms of fatigue, headache, aches, loss of appetite, red face, you should see a doctor immediately. to get proper treatment Shouldn’t buy medicine by yourself. Especially drugs in the group that cause bleeding easily, difficult to stop, including liver failure, such as aspirin, ibuprofen and diclofenac for pharmacies and clinics. Patients with suspected dengue fever should be advised to be treated at the hospital.

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