Opposition deputies request elections for the Federation

by time news

Opposition deputies Gilberto Tremont, Oscar García and Víctor Jurado delivered the document to the governing body.

This Monday the opposition deputies They went to the headquarters National Electoral Center (CNE) to introduce a petition on the new authority of the Federation municipality.

The commission made up of Gilberto Tremont, Oscar Garcia and Victor Jurado demanded from the governing body a pronouncement by the date for the corresponding popular election.

According to what is established in the Constitution of the Republic and in the Organic Law of the Municipal Public Power, after an absolute absence, the electoral power must call for elections in the next 90 days.

You can read: Falcon | Nayrobis Osteicochea assumes Mayorship of the Federation

Although the death of the mayor Argenis Arcaya occurred at the beginning of February, the deputies assure that preparations for the elections should begin from now on.

“To comply with Venezuelan laws, the president of the municipal chamber; Nairobi Osteicochea, took office on a temporary basis while the new elections take place,” Tremont specified.

He added that if the absolute absence occurs before the inauguration or before half of the government period, elections must be called.

“The law is clear and new municipal elections must be called,” stated the opposition representative in the Falcón state Legislative Council.

unexpected departure

The mayor of the Federación municipality, Falcón state, Argenis Arcaya Romero, died early on February 11.

Arcaya Romero was admitted to the Hospital Universitario de Coro Doctor Alfredo Van Grieken on Saturday, February 4, referred from a private clinic.

This was stated by the director of the Coro hospital, Jean Carlos Sánchez, consulted by the journalist Gerardo Morón Sánchez.

On that occasion, Sánchez reported that the mayor of the Federation was admitted with a picture of left frontotemporal ischemic cerebrovascular accident (CVA). In addition to cardiac arrhythmia and decompensated hyperglycemia.

He indicated that Arcaya Romero was a patient with various underlying pathologies, who had been admitted to the care center “very decompensated, in very poor condition.”

“We are trying to stabilize him, he has received all the corresponding treatment. He also has digestive bleeding that is being treated, but it is very complicated, ”the doctor explained at the time.

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