Madagascar Embassy in Paris: the staff demands the departure of Mishou (…)

by time news

The doors of the Madagascar Embassy in Paris were closed all day yesterday due to a staff strike. Employees dressed in all black with face masks unfurled banners and placards outside the entrance to the embassy demanding the repeal of Embassy First Counselor Mamonjisoa Ramiakoalisoa Randimbiarisoa, better known as Mishou Randimbiarisoa.

In their strike notice issued on March 3, the staff expressed several grievances against the latter: permanent moral harassment, denigration, invectives, belittlement, abuse of power and insults, permanent threat of warning and repatriation of staff, permanent threat of breach of contract for short-term employees, incompetence, ignorance of administration, illegal retention status and illegal residence in the chancery. Mishou Randimbiarisoa was named first councilor in 2019.

Rinah Rakotomanga, formerly adviser to the Embassy of Madagascar in France, declares that she supports the staff’s demands. She affirmed on her Facebook account that the experience of the staff is true and real. This former director of communications for the presidency of the Republic, who also drags pans, did not hesitate to drive the point home against Mishou Randimbiarisoa. “The cup is full…Dare and help the President make the right decisions for the homeland Added the one who is currently at the head of the Board of Directors of Madagascar Airlines.

The strike movement was only temporary since the staff returned to work on Tuesday 7 March. The embassy should reopen its doors soon according to a statement signed by Ambassador Rija Rajohnson. The staff does not rule out an intensification of their movement if no decision is taken by the authorities.

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