Schillaci: “New toll-free numbers are on the way, use them and spread the word”

by time news

“Let’s go back to talking about prevention”, its crucial role, “with the launch of toll-free numbers of public utility on the occasion of the four public health days that are celebrated this month and which concern the kidneys on the 9th, the heart on the 14th, on the 23rd ophthalmology and on the 28th endometriosis”. These are “important tools. We must publicize them through the media, social channels, but also through word of mouth, raising awareness among family and friends”. This is the invitation launched by the Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci, today in Rome in his speech at the presentation of the toll-free numbers of public utility assigned to the scientific societies Sin (nephrology), Sigo (gynecology and obstetrics), Anmco (hospital cardiology) and Soi (ophthalmology), accredited by the Ministry of Health and affiliated to the Federation of Italian medical and scientific societies (Fism).

“Adequately informing citizens about correct lifestyles is important – Schillaci reiterated – Often people do not have in-depth knowledge of these issues, sometimes there may also be distrust or lack of attention to the care of one’s health. Thanks to the toll-free numbers of public utility, to the availability of the system of scientific societies, citizens will be able to make use of a further tool to get answers and support on issues related to nephrology, cardiology, ophthalmology and endometriosis. let it be advertised”.

“Sometimes it takes very little – underlined the minister – even a routine test such as measuring blood pressure, a urine test, to receive an alert and intercept any pathologies in time. We do not give up taking care of our state of health and of mental and physical well-being”.

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