The PP suspends from militancy the mayor of Villar de Cañas who harassed the minister Irene Montero

by time news

The PP of Castilla-La Mancha has suspended from militancy the mayor of Villar de Cañas (Cuenca), José María Saiz, who in an interview insulted the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, of whom he said that “she has sores in her mouth to suck the pigtails”. With this decision, and as confirmed by party sources, Saiz can no longer be the party’s candidate for mayor of this town. The provincial PP of Cuenca must now name another head of the list.

José María Saiz, the mayor who harassed Irene Montero and championed the request for a nuclear cemetery for his people


His expulsion has been made known by the Popular Party through a statement and one day before 8M, International Women’s Day, after the Committee on Rights and Guarantees of the formation made this decision. They explain that, following the deadlines indicated by procedures of this type and in response to the allegations presented by him in the file, it is agreed to initiate disciplinary proceedings against Saiz “for the facts related to the statements about a minister of the Government of Spain”.

Saiz assured last February that the Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, “has a mouth full of sores from sucking the ‘pigtails'”, in the context of an interview with the journalist Javier Negre, which was echoed in his Twitter account the former secretary general of Podemos Pablo Iglesias.

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, censured the words of José María Saiz, assuring that “not everything is valid in politics” and that he would not accept “any attack on the dignity of women”:

Subsequently, the mayor apologized to the people who might have felt offended and, in particular, to the Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, for the words he spoke. “I should have criticized his, in my opinion, disastrous political management of him, without undermining his personal dignity,” said the mayor in a statement posted on the City Council’s Facebook account, which he later deleted.

The Popular Party then confirmed the opening of an information file “immediately” and the Guarantees Committee of the PP began work on the file opened to the mayor of Villar de Cañas in order to prepare the file and summon the interested party for the interrogation phase. . José María Saiz has also been, from the beginning, the visible face of the regional PP in defense of the Centralized Temporary Storage of nuclear waste (ATC) in his town.

Paco Núñez: the PP “has done its job”

The president of the PP in Castilla-La Mancha, Paco Núñez, has stressed that the party “has done its job” and has asked the PSOE and the regional secretary of the Socialists, Emiliano García-Page, to proceed along the same lines and expel of the party to the mayor of Valdepeñas, Jesús Martín, “who has seriously insulted the PP spokesperson” in this town.

He said he “had nothing more to say” because the Rights and Guarantees Committee “has been perfectly clear, has done the work that is required according to the statutes and has made the resolution public.” “The PP has complied with the statutes and what it announced publicly, since it started a process, substantiated a file, put it in the hands of a committee, which has resolved. Nothing that I would not have said was going to happen, despite the fact that others have not done their job ”, he added.

Asked if José María Saiz can be a candidate for mayor of Villar de Cañas, Núñez recalled that the statutes prevent someone who is suspended from militancy from being a candidate, while indicating that he does not know if he is going to run in the elections as an independent. “I know what happens in the PP. I don’t know what will happen in the rest of the games”, Núñez concluded.

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