81,000 demonstrators in Paris, according to the police headquarters; mobilization close to records in the rest of France

by time news

In national education, one of the most mobilizing strike days

Within national education, the strike day of March 7 is one of the most mobilizing since the beginning of the movement. If the numbers of mobilized teachers have been declining since the first movement of January 19, when nearly 40% of teachers were on strike, they were again more than 30% on Tuesday according to the Ministry of National Education – 60% according to the unions . Sign that, in schools, colleges and high schools, the opposition to the reform does not weaken.

If the subject of pensions has always strongly mobilized teachers, there is also the context of the beginning of the year, marked by mobilizations against job cuts at the start of the school year and by salary negotiations with the ministry, from which all the unions have slammed the door Monday to oppose the government’s plan to offer additional assignments to teachers to receive a higher salary.

Called “teacher pact”this device is never absent from the speeches of the demonstrators, testifying to the many springs of the anger of the teachers. « The project is therefore to make us work more, longer, with working conditions that are less and less good… It’s just contemptuous”gets carried away Anne-Laure, 54, school teacher in Paris.

Like all sectors and professions mobilized, teachers are now asking themselves the question of the continuation, and of the renewable strike. The weight of the loss of salary days as well as, for high school teachers, the approach of the first exams of the baccalaureate in two weeks, weigh on the arbitrations. For the time being, a new appeal has been launched for March 9, day of youth mobilization, and some have already planned to respond to it.

Elea Apple Trees

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