Waking up with a dry and bitter mouth are symptoms of serious diseases

by time news

waking up with a dry mouth can go almost unnoticed, since most of the time we believe that we sleep with the open mouth or we are thirsty Big mistake! CLICK ON THE MAIN IMAGE and discover some causes of waking up with a dry and bitter mouth: Symptoms of serious diseases.

Although one of the main reasons why you might waking up with a dry and bitter mouth Is it because of thirst or because, indeed, you spent the night with the open mouthcausing dry mouth. there are some health problems that you should consider, especially if you drink several glasses of water and that unpleasant feeling does not go away.

CLICK ON THE MAIN IMAGE and discover some causes of waking up with a dry and bitter mouth: Symptoms of serious diseases.

Why does my mouth dry at night?

If you have noticed that you dry mouth at nightso much that you don’t even have enough saliva to spit, then pay close attention to this symptom. According to specialists at the Cleveland Clinic Medical Institute, the dry mouth or xerostomiaas it is also known, occurs when something affects the salivary glandscausing you to produce less saliva.

Waking up with a dry and bitter mouth are symptoms of serious illnesses/ Photo: iStock

There are many reasons why you can waking up with a dry mouth for example, a secondary effect of certain prescription or over-the-counter drugs can reduce saliva production, such as those for blood pressure, for urinary incontinence, for COPD, some pain relievers, chemotherapy drugs, or to treat Parkinson’s.

CLICK ON THE MAIN IMAGE and discover some causes of waking up with a dry and bitter mouth: Symptoms of serious diseases.

On the other hand, you could also waking up with a dry and bitter mouth, due to dehydration. If you don’t drink enough water throughout the day, you probably have thirsty at night. In addition, some habits such as alcohol or tobacco could also decrease your saliva production.

Waking up with a dry and bitter mouth are symptoms of serious illnesses/ Photo: iStock

What are the symptoms of dry mouth?

Los dry mouth symptoms not only include the bitter feeling or bad breathpay close attention and find out if you too you wake up with a dry and bitter mouth so that you go to your specialist, it is better to detect or rule out some health problem on time.

  • Dry lips
  • Bad breath
  • Recurring infections in the mouth
  • Sticky and dry feeling in the mouth
  • Burning sensation in the mouth
  • dry throat
  • dry and rough tongue
  • mouth sores
  • Problems chewing, eating and speaking

If you want to know what diseases are to blame for waking up with a dry and bitter mouth, CHECK THE GALLERY that we prepared for you, it is in the main part of this note. Your health is first!

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