Citrus insurance can now be contracted

by time news

He citrus insurance The subscription period has already started, exactly on March 1st. This date is one of the main novelties of the line for the next campaign, since it advances its subscription period by one month compared to previous years.

In addition, among the main improvements in the insurance line, the advancement to April 1 of the coverage of hail risks and exceptional risks is also included, a very relevant change for the sector, since they will have guaranteed roof of the damage caused by hailstorms from an earlier date and for a longer period of time, specifically 19 more days.

As the campaign progresses, and in order to facilitate the policy adjustment subscribed to production expectations, citrus insurance has made the modifications that can be made considerably more flexible.

Thus, the complementary insurance (which makes it possible to increase the expectation of production) advances the start date of subscription and guarantees to May 15 (previously, August 1). In other words, producers will have two and a half more months of production coverage added to their policies.

Likewise, the insurance contemplates the possibility of registering plots until September 15. If, on the contrary, the campaign is not as positive as initially insured, the insurance also provides the citrus grower with the possibility of carrying out capital reductions insured in various time periods, allowing the return of up to 100% of the premium for all risks.


With these novelties, the insurance line establishes a solid base with which to work in the coming years, offering citrus growers coverage for the many risks they face throughout a campaign: hailstorms, the frequent DANA (isolated depression at high levels of the atmosphere), the instability of autumn, pixat, floods, wind storms and, in the final months of the campaign, frosts.

Since 2020, the capital insured by citrus insurance has been above 1,000 million euros each year, with more than 580 million euros of insured value in the Valencian Community (with an implementation of more than 50%) and more than 230 million in the Region of Murcia and Andalusiarespectively.


In 2022, Agroseguro paid 52 million euros in compensation to insured citrus producers, especially due to the frequent hailstorms recorded.

In total, during the last five years it has paid 311 million, mainly to insured producers in the Community Valencian (156 million), the Region of Murcia (97 million) and Andalusia (41 million).

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