Who did they buy more expensive due to shortages?

by time news

Herbert Mujica Rojas

Nobody seems to be aware of the strange delay in the granting of the good pro of a tender, via ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization / UN), whose proposal submission was 39 days ago! and the National Migration Superintendence and its head, Armando García Chunga, seem mute and undaunted in the face of the delicate circumstance.

Would you mean that Migrations was immobile all that time? I’m afraid not.

The information goes like this:

“The National Superintendence of Migrations of Peru announced that it signed a contract for the acquisition of more than half a million electronic passport booklets and security sheets, which will be received from the end of May of this year, with the aim of ensuring the supply of the travel document for citizens in the coming months.
This purchase was made due to the insufficient number of passport books and security sheets that were in stock at the entity.” https://rpp.pe/lima/actualidad/migraciones-suscribe-contrato-para-asegurar-la-emision-de-mas-de-medio-millon-de-pasaportes-noticia-1470187

Guess, although the information does not specify it, who benefited from the so-called “shortage”? Well, nothing more and nothing less than IN Groupe, National Printing Office of France, the same and monopolistic state company of that country and that always wins because the technical requirements are made so that only they can do it.

In other words, in good Spanish, while the tender with technical requirements for different passports, raised via ICAO, has no winner, the French company did place its passports in Peru under the interesting figure of “shortage”.

And why didn’t they carry out a single process and thus end the “shortage” and improve the price, at the same time that a much higher process was opened, with new bidders and we removed the tricks pushed by debased officials?

Who convinced President Dina Boluarte that an experienced technician was required in Migrations?

Doña Dina worked in Reniec with the former Superintendent of Migrations Roxana del Aguila who, in that position, was the boss of the current portfolio holder, Armando García Chunga, who has not raised any of the questions regarding his conduct as an official.

García Chunga has also worked at Reniec and Onpe and was Migration operations manager during the Roxana del Aguila era.

Did Prime Minister Alberto Otárola also give his go-ahead for functional continuity? He was the minister of Ollanta Humala, a very friendly government of the French.

It has been purchased from IN Groupe with an excessive expense of S/ 430 thousand soles for not having used the State Procurement Law with strict propriety.

When you spend more, you pay with excessive prices, without any justification, those involved, after due process, administrative and criminal, are deserving of the penalties provided for the gallows that assault the State and the invalidation for life from working for the state.

In the 2015 call for Migrations via ICAO, the submission of proposals was made on 10-4-2015. And the good pro was granted on 10-22-2015.

In 2019, Migrations-ICAO, the call was on 12-5-2019 and the delivery of the good pro on 12-16-2019.

In other words, the delay was 18 days in the first case, and 11 days in the second.

It is important to remember that at that time the person in charge of troche and moche in the Superintendence was Roxana del Aguila.

How can Mr. García Chunga explain to us that there have been 39 days of proposals submitted and there is no winner?

The technical specifications for the purchase due to shortages are the same as in 2019, that is, the same model is returned, including the chip patents, the nano text in the Intaglio and on the data sheet the watermark is rotated, composition paper 50% – 50%, no electrotype, in short, they returned to the IN Groupe specification at 100%.

Only IN Groupe could win because everything was done to make it happen! And so it has been!

In the ICAO tender, the requested specifications are completely new and allowed the submission of offers from multiple bidders. They are open and with a higher level of security than that of IN Groupe. But at 39 days there is no good pro!

The equation is easy to describe: while there is no good pro, it is bought at higher prices, but from the monopoly for 8 years, IN Groupe.

In mondo and lirondo Spanish, in the National Migration Superintendence there is a strange situation because the dedication with first and last name is labeled with the “shortage” tag.

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