News about nutrition and cancer: the latest state-of-the-art

by time news

Nowadays, nutrition and cancer are in the spotlight. There is increasing knowledge about the relationship between nutrition and the development of cancer, about nutritional problems during and after treatment and about the possibilities of providing good care through targeted nutritional intervention. In this news item we bundle the latest state-of-the-art in the field of nutrition and cancer: the new Handbook of nutrition in cancer and the new directory Eating and drinking in the last phase of life.

Revised handbook of nutrition in cancer

This third, completely revised edition of Handbook of nutrition in cancer follows the latest developments in (oncological) dietetics. The handbook provides an overview of the current knowledge about the relationship between nutrition and the development of cancer, about nutritional problems during and after treatment and about the possibilities of providing good care through targeted nutritional intervention. Because more and more people recover from cancer or survive longer, it is described how nutrition and lifestyle can contribute to quality of life and health gains in the longer term after completion of the treatment.

In this updated edition, many chapters have been written in collaboration with authors from disciplines other than oncological dietetics, such as radiotherapy, internal oncology, physiotherapy, sports medicine, rehabilitation medicine, palliative care and psychology. This shows that the multidisciplinary care that is so important for cancer patients has grown and improved considerably in recent years.

Textbook feedOfng in cancer is primarily written for (oncological) dieticians who treat patients with cancer. But because good nutritional care has a multidisciplinary character and care for the nutritional status of cancer patients is also part of the professional actions of doctors, nurses, physiotherapists and other paramedics, this handbook is certainly also intended for them.

You can order the book here.

New folderFood-and-drink.PNG Eating and drinking in the last phase of life

Being able or wanting to eat less and less is normal in the last weeks of life. The organs no longer work properly and the body shows that food is no longer necessary. This is part of the dying process. This is especially difficult for loved ones. In this new handout for loved ones you can read what to expect and how to deal with it.

Order or download the folder here

Learn more about nutrition and cancer

Website; the new website of the National Working Group Dieticians Oncology (LWDO)

Find an oncology dietitian in your area via the Cancer Referral Guide

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