offensive, the unions put pressure on Emmanuel Macron

by time news

Failing to obtain satisfaction from the government, they turn to the Head of State. At the end of their sixth national day of action against the pension reform, the eight main employee unions and five organizations for the defense of youth asked, on Tuesday March 7, to be received ” emergency “ by Emmanuel Macron, so that he « retire » his project, currently being debated in the Senate. Pending a response from the Elysée, the coalition members are once again calling on the population to pound the pavement, on Saturday March 11, then next week – on a date which will be fixed according to the parliamentary calendar.

Read also: Strike of March 8 live: blockages and debates on pension reform continue, follow the mobilization and ask us your questions

The position of the intersyndicale was made public on Tuesday evening, during a press conference which took place at the headquarters of Force Ouvrière (FO), in Paris. All the protagonists hailed the magnitude “historical” mobilization, even if it did not result in a “shutdown” of the country, to paraphrase the slogan that had been launched in the run-up to this show of force. According to the Ministry of the Interior, 1.28 million people marched on Tuesday, which – in official counts – is a record for demonstrations with a social dimension. The CGT, it estimates at 3.5 million the number of women and men who were ” in the street “a figure equivalent to that which it had provided for two interprofessional initiatives against another pension reform, in the fall of 2010.

“Today, what is happening is completely unprecedented, massive”, underlined Marylise Léon, the number two of the CFDT. Therefore, Mr. Macron “can’t pretend it doesn’t exist”she continued: “It would be lunar. » The thirteen organizations address themselves to the President of the Republic, “Since, obviously, neither the Minister of Labor nor the Prime Minister wished to have a meeting with the inter-union”explained the cedist official, adding: “We know that a lot of things are decided at the Elysée, so you might as well go to the Elysée. »

“This project will not pass”

Considering that there is nothing to expect from the tenant of Matignon, Elisabeth Borne, nor from the other members of the government, the representatives of the workers, the high school students and the students put them out of the circuit and directly challenge the Head of State , in an alarming tone. In the joint statement issued Tuesday evening, they claim that “the silence of the President of the Republic constitutes a serious democratic problem which inevitably leads to a situation which could become explosive”. more than his « silence »it is above all Mr. Macron’s inflexibility that is pointed out: he has, again recently, spoken out on the pensions file, first during a trip to Rungis (Val -de-Marne), on February 21, then, four days later, at the Agricultural Show, to announce, in essence, that he will not give in with regard to the postponement to 64 of the age of entitlement to a pension.

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