That way your sex life doesn’t collapse when you have children

by time news

Your life is turned upside down after the arrival of a child. You hardly sleep and suddenly talk about nothing but dirty diapers. Chances are your sex life has also changed a lot since you became parents. Not surprising, because children demand a lot of attention. But is there still time for some action between the sheets?

The answer? Yes! But this takes a little extra thought, patience and planning. Research shows that 62 percent of parents have sex less than once a week. A quarter of them even have sex less than once a month. In addition, the majority of mothers (67%) also reported having only one hour to themselves that was not filled with work or family duties. That’s not much… Who has time to get off the butt then. Of course raising children is very special, but it can put your sex life on the back burner. But don’t forget: your partner is also important. You can therefore put some extra energy into your relationship. You can read how to do that here. With these tips you can keep it exciting between the sheets, even if you have children.

Keep hugging and kissing

If you’ve just had a baby, sex may be the last thing on your mind. Nopethat postpartum period isn’t really one sexy time, but trust us: your libido will definitely return. While it may take a while for your sex life to get back on track, it’s important to keep showing affection towards each other. Just hugging or kissing can be enough. It doesn’t always have to lead to sex. Let them know or notice that you appreciate each other and surprise your partner with something small.

Be honest

After pregnancy, many women no longer recognize themselves. Their bodies are different, but their feelings have also changed. This means you need a little more time to get in the mood. The problem is that many women do not dare to admit this and adapt to the pace of their partner. Therefore, communicate well with your loved one. Be honest about what you’re having and say what you do like. This way you will appreciate sex more and your libido will automatically increase.

Provide new incentives

Let’s be honest: being a parent is exhausting. Chances are therefore that once you are in bed, you are in no-time falling asleep. So try having sex outside the bedroom. Do it on the kitchen table, in the shower or on the couch. Put on a sexy lingerie set, watch an erotic movie together or surprise your partner with a nice sex toy. New stimuli make your sex life (again) exciting, which automatically puts you in the mood.

Plan more quality time

Scheduled sex does not sound sexy, but it can certainly cause red ears. That way you have something to look forward to. Moreover, it’s just easy when the kids are with the babysitter and you don’t have to worry about that anymore. This way the focus is solely on each other. Reserve time in your calendar for a romantic dinner for two and enjoy some good lovemaking for dessert.

Don’t forget to masturbate

No fewer than 67 percent of mothers say they only have one hour to themselves. That is far too little. Therefore, put yourself first more often and dive into bed (or bath) on your own. Masturbating is very good for you and has many benefits for your sex life. In this way, solo sex teaches you what you like sexually and therefore what turns you on. It helps you in your sexual development and you discover how your body reacts to arousal.

Training pelvic floor muscles

After giving birth, some women suffer from incontinence complaints or discharge from ‘vaginal farts’ for a long time. This can make you insecure during sex. Try to train your pelvic floor muscles using these tips. Just watch out for this common mistake. If you are unable to train them yourself, visit a pelvic floor physiotherapist. They can probably help you further.

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