Protest in the National Bank of Israel and marches: what is expected on the “Day of Resistance” against the legal reform?

by time news

The protestors are returning to Tel Aviv? The leaders of the protest are planning to hold a “Day of Resistance to the Dictatorship” tomorrow, which they say will include marches, protests, demonstrations and disruptions throughout the country. One of the plans of the protestors is to hold a protest at Ben Gurion Airport, from where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife are scheduled to take off that same day At the same time, at the same time, the police are also preparing for demonstrations in Jerusalem and other areas throughout the country.

The organizers of the protest stated that, among other things, the school day at the universities will be disrupted on Thursday, parent and child marches will be held all over the country and roads around the National Bank of Israel will be disrupted. Also, dozens of convoys of vehicles and agricultural tools will leave all over the country. The high-tech community will demonstrate in 15 centers in industrial areas , social workers, South Tel Aviv demonstrators and students will leave around 08:00 for marches in Tel Aviv and the LGBT march will leave at 11:00 from the Bima Theater. It was also reported that the activity around Knesset members and ministers will be increased. At 18:00 there will be a demonstration in front of the home of Justice Minister Yariv Levin in Modi’in.

The Airports Authority stated: “The Airports Authority will do everything possible to allow those flying tomorrow to fly at the time set for their flight and to maintain the operational continuity of Ben Gurion Airport. The Authority recommends the flying public to arrive early and arrive at the airport and the public is advised to arrive by Israel Railways. In order to To enable functional continuity of the airport, the employees were asked to advance their arrival time for their shifts. The public is advised to keep up to date with the airlines.”

The protest activists are blocking the entrance to the National Library of Israel, archive (Photo: The Struggle Headquarters)

The protest activists are blocking the entrance to the National Library of Israel, archive (Photo: The Struggle Headquarters)

As mentioned, at the end of the assessment of the situation that existed today (Wednesday), the Commissioner of the National Kobi Shabtaiit was decided to deploy a police force of between 2,500 and 3,000 police officers to deal with the protests, while placing cavalry and snipers at the explosive points, where the police are preparing for possible disturbances. , the commander of the MGB, the head of the operations division, the head of the intelligence division, and other senior officials, RN Shabtai emphatically clarified that it is forbidden to block traffic routes and that in any case of disorder or violence against police officers, zero tolerance should be applied.

At the end of the meeting, the Commissioner said that the Israel Police considers the right to protest a cornerstone in a democratic country that allows all citizens to express their protest while adhering to the framework of law and public order. the law and we will register reports. These are the instructions that are passed on to the police and we are prepared for any possible scenario.”

As mentioned, alongside the police activity to enable a safe protest for all participants, the Commissioner stressed that the police will operate with zero tolerance towards disturbances, damage to property, damage to symbols of government and disruption of the routine of life and will not allow the blocking of traffic routes that have not been coordinated and approved by the police. Continuing his remarks, the Commissioner added that the entire public is asked to observe the provisions of the law and respect the work of the officers and policemen in the field.

The police also commented on the security situation in light of the activity in Jenin, the Purim celebrations and of course the warm warnings of terrorist attacks and ask the public to be alert and report to Moked 100 any unusual event, person or object.

The protestors in Kiryat Shvarat (photo: Block the Coup)

The protestors in Kiryat Shvarat (photo: Block the Coup)

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gabir He referred to the demonstrations expected to be held tomorrow: “I say this in the most unequivocal way: I am in favor of demonstrations, in favor of freedom of speech, but the National Highway and main transportation arteries should be off limits.”

“We have to remember that on a main transportation artery we transport maternity, we transport people who need to go to the hospital. It is also impossible to disrupt the activity of Ben Gurion Airport. Therefore, today I am going to hold a situation assessment with the police, with the command staff, and I am going to make it clear unequivocally that my instructions are to allow freedom of expression as much as possible, but the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and main transportation hubs are out of bounds,” he noted.

He added: “I am calling and saying from here to all the demonstrators, remember that in the end we are the same people, those fighters who gave their lives were not asked if they were right or left, if they were religious or secular, they all symbolize the State of Israel. I call on the opposition to behave statefully, demonstrate, shout This is your right, but leave out of the equation main transportation arteries and Ben Gurion Airport.”

Ben Gvir ahead of “Resistance Day”

Ben Gvir concluded: “I remind you that during the deportation of Gush Katif, it was the Supreme Court that said it was out of bounds, that there are places that should not be blocked and blocking these places is anarchy and anarchy cannot happen in the State of Israel.”

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