What is Ozempic, the drug for diabetes and obesity that went viral on TikTok

by time news

Ozempic was launched in 2019 as a diabetes medication that controls glucose with the added bonus of aiding weight loss. But what drew attention were the slimming properties of semaglutide, its active principle. Today, the drug is also recommended to combat obesity in the United States, and is used by many doctors in Brazil.

By Cristiane Capuchin from RFI

It was this facet of the drug that made it a fever on social media. Ozempic has been dubbed the “slimming pen” in thousands of videos on TikTok.

Despite its high price, $195 per pen, the drug has been a hit on social media. The rampant search for the drug has prompted the manufacturer, Novo Nordisk, to issue a warning. In the coming months, the drug should enter the shortage list of pharmacies around the world, as the industry says it cannot keep up with demand.

The problem is that many people without a medical indication have been taking the drug, without taking into account its side effects.

How does the Ozempic work?

The active ingredient in Ozempic is semaglutide, which works as a substitute for the human hormone GLP, responsible for controlling glucose metabolism in the body, according to Rodrigo Lamounier, an endocrinologist and professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).

“It improves the efficiency of insulin action in people who have diabetes and is very effective in improving glucose control,” he says. In addition, the drug has the effect of generating satiety. “It causes a delay in gastrointestinal emptying, causing satiety. It also acts on the hypothalamus, the hunger center, causing inhibition of hunger, loss of appetite and, therefore, reducing food intake,” explains the endocrinologist, who is director of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabology.

The drug has become a good choice for obese or overweight diabetics. “It is a good option for type 2 diabetics. Before, we only had indications for diabetics who were gaining weight and this is a drug that can make the patient lose weight. So it is interesting to reduce the cardiovascular risk of the patient, helping to prevent a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or kidney disease”, says the president of the Brazilian Diabetes Society, Levimar Araújo.

Can Ozempic be used to lose weight?

Obesity affects one in four Americans. Lindsey Parnaby AFP/Archives

The drug’s ability to aid in weight loss has led the principle to be clinically tested for the treatment of obesity, showing good results.

A study published in 2021 in the New England Journal of Medicine showed an average weight loss of 14.9% in obese patients who used semaglutide once a week, and changed lifestyle habits, for 68 weeks (15 months ). The patients who only changed their exercise habits lost 2.4% of their weight during that period.

The United States, a country where four out of ten people are obese, was the first to authorize its use for weight loss in the treatment of obesity. In Brazil, doctors began to indicate the use of Ozempic pen for weight loss, even without its use being listed in its package insert.

At the end of 2022, Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency) approved another drug based on semaglutide for the treatment of obesity, Wegovy, from the same manufacturer.

Who can use semaglutide to lose weight?

The UFMG professor recalls that all medicines dedicated to the treatment of obesity are indicated for people with a BMI (Body Mass Index) greater than 30. This index is calculated from a count that divides the weight of the person by the result of his height multiplied by the stature.

“It can also be used in people who are overweight, that is, with a BMI greater than 26, as long as there is the presence of comorbidities related to excess weight, for example, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, or osteoarticular problems,” explains Lamounier.

The drug must be prescribed by a doctor, who must weigh the benefits and risks of the treatment. In addition, the patient must combine the medication with exercise and a balanced diet.

Semaglutide is not indicated outside of these cases. “Neither this drug nor any other drug for obesity should be used for someone who, for example, has a BMI of 25 and wanted to have a BMI of 20, a very common situation among young women. Weight is one thing for health. Another thing is the social aesthetic demand”, warns the UFMG professor.

This is the profile of the videos that circulate on social networks. On TikTok alone, videos about Ozempic accumulate more than 500 million views worldwide.

The majority are women who tell of their experience using Ozempic to lose weight quickly, often without medical follow-up and without changing their lifestyle.

What are the side effects of Ozempic?

People taking the drug often experience nausea and diarrhea or constipation. Tachycardia is also common. But there are more serious (although less frequent) problems that can result from taking the drug, such as gallstones, kidney failure, and pancreatitis.

The large number of people using Ozempic has drawn attention to another, mainly aesthetic effect: the so-called “Ozempic face”. These are patients who present significant facial aging due to loss of facial fat.

The risks are considered low compared to the health benefits for those who may have a stroke due to obesity. However, they are high for those who do not present risks due to their weight.

“Not everyone should use this product and should know how to use it. The product is for weekly use and must be prescribed by a specialist, who is the one who can analyze the benefits and harms. You must be very careful with this indiscriminate use of the medicine”, emphasizes Levimar Araújo.

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