We live in a rural community… | Life

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A safe and inclusive community

Piliakalnis Community Center was founded in 2008. It took more than half a year to process the registration documents, but we finally got it all sorted out. The founding meeting of the community took place in the house of Jonas and Albina Vaitkūnai in the village of Kuišiai. Although it was winter and there was a lot of snow, about 30 residents gathered for the meeting. We founded the community in the former Piliakalnis school, which closed its doors in 2003.
The desire to create a community was huge. We chose an abandoned building that had not yet started to be repaired, as much as we could – we tidied it up, every member’s opinion was heard. We started writing projects and implementing them. We chose in our free time, we included our family members and worked in community facilities. We were looking for sponsors, whose support was very much needed at that time. Finally, the foundation of the community house took place. On that day, many teachers, students, guests from other communities and the ward gathered at the former school. It’s just hard to believe that even one village light has been saved.
There are 43 members in the Piliakalnis community. The base consists of residents living from the Žarsta intersection (Silavotos sen.) to the Marijampolė municipality border. And not only. Residents of the Marijampolė district, who studied at Piliakalnis school, also applied to join the community. Members are of various ages. The oldest Biruta Bražukiene is 95 years old. The old woman no longer participates in community activities, but she is interested in its life. The youngest member is Aina Jakonytė, who is 24 years old. The average age of community members is 60 years.

The most senior member of the community.

There are many landmarks around the community that attract more than just local people. One of them is Pashlavanisto mound. Back in Soviet times, archaeological research was carried out, which did not yield valuable information about the mound. This unique cultural object is visited by people passing by. Tourist groups visit in large numbers during the summer. Wedding guests come to capture this memorable day. In the spring, the voices of students who came from the surrounding schools could be heard on the mound. For more than 15 years, on the Lithuanian national day, celebrated on July 6, the mound comes alive with the voices of guests gathered from the surrounding villages. Since early morning, the Lithuanian tricolor, which Arūnas Tamašauskas raises every year, has been fluttering on the mound. In the evening at 9 p.m. those gathered sing the Lithuanian national anthem. Andrius Palionis, a member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, who is a supporter of the community, comes to the celebration every year. Prienai district council members, Šilavotos elder Neringa Pikčilingienė are also participating. I want to thank Deputy Mayor Loreta Jakinevičieni, from whom I learned the first lessons in creating a community and writing projects. Loretta and I drove around the community, visited families, and searched for information about ancient objects. We visited the Mikališkis chapel, which was built in 1812. in 1889 a brave word was spoken for a free Lithuania at the chapel. On the memorial board near the old cross, the words are written: “Days do not pass a broken hornet and a homeless bird blown away by a storm. Our homeland will not be abandoned either

We are celebrating an anniversary.

dear, this is Mary’s land and we are her children.” Next to the chapel, a monument was erected on the initiative of Vytas Akelaitis to the sons of Lithuania, who fell in the battles with the country’s kidnappers in 1945-1949. to remember For many years, the women of the village sang the May Day songs here, decorated the graves of the dead with flowers. As Janina Matusevičienė, who was born and grew up in this region, remembers, the Mikališkis chapel was built near the nearby Mikališkis manor, whose owner lived in France and rarely appeared in the manor. Soldiers of Napoleon’s army stayed overnight in this mansion. Officers – in the mansion, soldiers – in the cowshed. The Russian Cossacks came at night and buried the French. There was only one commander left, who left money to the head of the manor, with which he built a chapel. The remains of the partisans were brought and buried next to the chapel. At night, people erected crosses for the fallen, planted flowers. However, thugs tore down crosses and uprooted flowers. Everyone was amazed at how the cross inside the chapel remained untouched by time.
in 2010 on June 5, our community bowed to the historical memory of the fighters of this land for the freedom of Lithuania and opened a new page of memories of the historical memory of Mikališkis chapel. Many people gathered for the celebration: relatives of the fallen partisans, residents of the surrounding villages. The celebration was attended by Sigitas Bitkauskas, priest of Igliauka parish, Dalytė Raslavičienė, chairwoman of the Union of Political Prisoners and Deportees of Prienė branch. According to the president, the Lithuanian nation is worthy of respect, so we cannot forget the fighters who died for the future of all of us, their graves. To educate the younger generation in such a way that they, like us, bow down to historical memory, protect and cherish it.
History remains in the past, but we must honor the people who sacrificed their lives, stop at the mounds poured for them and bow our heads low.

Rolandas Aleksandravičius.

Many events held in the community relate to the memories of studying at this school. One of them is the big celebration “Old Path to the Former School”. As once upon a time, in childhood, and several decades later, in 2015 on June 6, students and teachers were in a hurry. Before, they were accompanied only by their mothers, but now, having arrived from various parts of Lithuania, they are already accompanied by their family members. They walked around the former classrooms, remembered where whose desk was, where what office was. The school in this building was established after the post-war nationalization of the dairy built by three farmers. Until 1949, the school belonged to Mikališkis primary school. And in the fall of the same year, he became the Kuišius seven-year-old. In the 1990s, the school was called Piliakalnis main, and until 2003 – primary. Albinas Mitrulevičius, a former student of this school and member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, took part in the celebration. He said that after finishing the eight-year Piliakalnis school, he later studied at Kapsukas ž.ū. technical school Later – LŽŪA. Pediatrician Janina Misiūnienė shared her memories. Most of the former students met decades later. The day passed quickly, but the guests did not want to part. When parting, former students and teachers promised to meet again.
Perhaps the most prominent event of the community, which will remain in the hearts of those present for a long time, is the festival “Oškit, oaks, for future generations”. in 2020 the morning of October 19 promised beautiful, uncharacteristic autumn weather. The carpet of yellow leaves seemed to merge with the rays of the sun. Students who studied here, teachers who worked there, and guests gathered at the former Piliakalnis school. A few decades ago, most families had several children in school. Everyone wanted to plant their own family oak, which they would visit and take care of. The idea of ​​planting an oak grove was proposed by Nijolė Puodžiūnienė and her son, who live near the Piliakalnis community. Mindaugas, who gave the most important symbol of the holiday – oak seedlings. Mindaugas Puodžiūnas planted 30 ha of various trees on the land inherited by his grandparents: oaks, birches, alders, pines, spruces. The trees have grown into large trees that catch the eyes of passers-by. However, this bush did not grow in a year or two, it is already 30 years old. Many guests participated in this celebration: the then Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania Andrius Palionis, Deputy Mayor Loreta Jakinevičienė, Prienų district. director of municipal administration Jūratė Zailskienė, elder of Šilavotos ward Neringa Pikčilingienė, chairmen of neighboring communities. The guests wished further success in fostering Lithuania, meaningful ideas in organizing events. Last spring, the participants of the festival gathered to celebrate the trees they had planted. We were happy that all 34 planted oak trees spread their delicate leaves. By planting oak trees, we restore our connection with our ancestors and strengthen our roots with Lithuania.
During the 14 years of the community’s existence, many events took place. These include Advent evenings, meetings with famous people, trips to various places in Lithuania. We do not forget to congratulate the community members on their anniversary, St. on the occasion of Christmas.
Birutė Bražukienė is the oldest member of the community. She will be 100 in a few years. Such an old age should be envied by many. The elderly woman is being looked after by her daughter who has returned from the city. When you visit the Bražukai home, you feel peace and wonderful communication with family members. Birutė regularly attended community events, found a language with her neighbors, and remembered the difficult years spent in Siberia.
There are three homesteads in the Piliakalnis community, which have won the title of the most beautiful homesteads in the district. We stop by the house of Ilona and Mindaugas Pažerai. In 2022, their homestead was recognized as the most beautiful homestead in Šilavotos ward. There is definitely something to be proud of here. Multicolored flowers and bushes bloom in every corner of the house. Ilona is a real beauty nurturer. Rare annual and perennial flowers grow in its environment. The hostess will not pass by a flower she has not seen before – it will soon be blooming in Ilona’s rock garden. Beauty creator and Mantas, son of Pažera. With his golden hands, he speaks to any piece of wood and creates various creations. Manto products are also displayed in the community environment.
Further from the main road, turning along the Meškinė village road, we reach the homestead of Auksė and Rolandas Aleksandravičius. The herd of deer grazing in the fenced area of ​​1.5 ha immediately attracts attention. When deer notice a stranger, they try to get closer to the edge of the enclosure. What motivated Roland to breed these natural beauties? The owner explains that he had to shoot several deer while hunting in the woods, so now he is trying to pay back the tribute to nature. The Aleksandravičius family takes care of 15 deer: 11 females and 4 males. Initially, 4 females were purchased from a local animal breeder. The male king Rudolph came from a large deer herd belonging to a farmer in the Utena district. Rudolph can barely resist the wide-horned horns, which he pats the disobedient pupil with. For the visitors who came to admire the deer, Roland has installed a tower where they can sit down with a cup of tea and admire the animal world. Aukse and Roland raised three sons. They all love nature and try to contribute by taking care of pets. Roland promises to expand the deer herd and hopes that his sons and grandsons will succeed him. Auksė works in the city as a tutor for small preschoolers. In his free time, he maintains the beauty and order of the house.
It is impossible to tell everything. During the 14 years of the community’s existence, everything happened. Not only happy things, but also sad things. More than 10 community members came out to Annapilin. We try to help and sympathize as much as possible for people affected by calamities.
Mound Community Center
chairman Kazė Dabrišienė

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