Signs that a woman is a victim of violence

by time news

How to know that you suffer from violence? According to World Health Organization (WHO)one in three women in the world have experienced physical or sexual violence, mainly from their partner.

In the Mexican Republic, 7 out of 10 young people between the ages of 15 and 24suffer psychological, physical or sexual violence, and 3 out of 10 commit suicide because they feel excluded from society, according to data from the Mexican Youth Institute.

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What is intimate partner violence?

The dating violence in the country, it is presented as follows: 6% have suffered sexual violence; 15% have suffered physical violence; and 76% psychological violence.

The family violence in Mexico affects the well-being, physical and psychological integrity or freedom and the right to full development of people, according to information published by the World Health Organization (WHO).

How to know that you suffer from violence?

According to research published in the Proposal for a Plan for Comprehensive Attention to Intrafamily Violence for the Health Sector, it is characterized by:

1-It is exercised against women, minors and older adults

2-The place where it is done is at home

3-It is practiced to a greater extent by men

4-Abandonment of one of the family members

5-Physical, psychological or sexual abuse

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Test: detect if you suffer violence from your partner

He National Institute for Women (Inmujeres) created a test to identify if you are victim of violence family member and promptly address the situation. Some of the questions are as follows:

1-Do you feel that your partner is constantly controlling you?

2-Accuses you of infidelity or that you act suspiciously?

3-Have you lost contact with friends, family, co-workers to prevent your partner from getting upset?

4-Does he humiliate and/or criticize you, in public or in private, about your appearance, your way of being or the way you do your household chores, among others?

4-Has he hit you with his hands, with an object or thrown things at you when he gets angry or argues?

5-Has he ever threatened you with an object or weapon, or with killing himself, you or a family member?

If the majority answered positively, you are in a situation of domestic violence and it is urgent that you go to a specialist to solve it.

In general, the affected people do not report the abuses, for fear of social prejudice, economic dependence and fear of reprisals. This situation generates stronger family problems, since domestic violence can lead to divorce of couples and death.

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Signs that you are being a victim of violence

1-verbal aggression: Receiving insulting comments, hurtful jokes and even threats are symptoms of an abusive relationship.

2-Controller: when the partner tries to control the clothes he wears, the messages he receives, professional decisions, the places he frequents or criticizes the way he acts, it is an alert sign. Similarly, when the woman feels obliged to ask your partner for permission to go out, study or do any activity you like.

3-Fear, isolation and volatility: they are symptoms of a abusive relationship when it is common for conversations to turn into an argument, in addition to being afraid of the reactions and mood swings of the person couple. When there are problems at home due to the proximity of family or friends and a situation of isolation occurs, it is an indicator that the woman is in danger.

4-Economic and/or patrimonial violence: this type of Violence often goes unnoticed. It occurs when the partner withholds or controls income, steals their assets or limits access to economic resources for their basic needs.

5-Physical or psychological abuse: represents a threat to the integrity of the woman, her sons and daughters. If there is consumption of some type of substance such as alcohol, drugs or medication, violence tends to increase.

6-sexual violencel: This occurs when the woman is forced to perform acts in which she does not wish to participate and loses the power to make decisions about her own body.

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And how do you feel?

1. You feel sad

2. You feel worthless

3. You think you won’t be able to get ahead

4. You feel lonely

5. You are afraid

6. You are depressed

7. You suffer from anxiety and depression

8. You blame yourself for everything

9. You feel unmotivated and hopeless

10. You are indecisive to solve the problem

11. You suffer from sleep disorders

If you feel this way, you should know that you are not alone. Seek help. In Mexico there are many organizations and individuals specialized in sexist violence that can support you to get ahead. Know them!

15 women’s organizations that work for and for women

  1. Comprehensive Health for Women, AC (SIPAM)

  2. Addicts Anonymous to Destructive Relationships, AC

  3. Alliance for Women of Mexico City

  4. Integral Development Association for Raped Persons AC (ADIVAC).

  5. Association of Survivors of Sexual Abuse, AC

  6. Mexican Association Against Violence Against Women, AC (COVAC)

  7. Mexican Association for Sexual Health, AC (AMSSAC)

  8. Attention to Intrafamily and Sexual Violence (AVISE)

  9. Catholics for the Right to Decide, AC

  10. Intrafamily Violence Care Center (CAVI)

  11. Telephone Victim Assistance Center (VICTIMATEL)

  12. Support Therapy Center for Victims of Sexual Crimes (CTA)

  13. Collective to Fight Violence Against Women

  14. Prosecutor for Sexual Crimes

  15. Network of Care Units for Family Violence (UAVIF)

The important thing is that you remember that you should never allow a hit or verbal insults. Raise your voice and protect yourself!

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