Good face only in front of the camera: Fox presenter Tucker Carlson is said to hate Trump

by time news

Good face only in front of the camera
Fox host Tucker Carlson is said to hate Trump

In his Fox News shows, Tucker Carlson openly promotes Donald Trump and the Republicans. Behind the scenes, however, the talk show host is said to have made very derogatory remarks about the ex-president. There is talk of hate.

New details have come to light about the relationship between the conservative US television network Fox News and former US President Donald Trump. According to excerpts from court documents in the trial of the voting machine manufacturer Dominion against Fox, the conservative television presenter Tucker Carlson, who openly supported Trump in his programs, “hated” the ex-president behind the scenes. The US media reported, citing the published files.

Carlson texted an employee two months after the 2020 presidential election, “We’re very, very close to ignoring Trump most nights. I really can’t wait. I hate him passionately.” Fox News said in a statement that Dominion is using the court filings to smear the network by twisting and misattributing quotes.

The new revelations further cast doubt on the credibility of the high-rated presenter Carlson. This is also relevant in the context of a controversial decision by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy recently made tens of thousands of hours of surveillance footage of the storming of the US Capitol exclusively available to Carlson.

The right-wing talk show host showed a few selected pictures on Monday and Tuesday evening and commented on them in the spirit of ex-President Trump, who repeatedly falsely claimed that only peaceful demonstrators were out and about at the time.

The new revelations come from documents that are part of a defamation lawsuit brought against Fox News by voting machine maker Dominion. Dominion is demanding around 1.6 billion US dollars, around 1.5 billion euros, in damages in the lawsuit because Fox News spread reports about alleged manipulation of the voting computers.

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