1000 dogs were starved to death and piled up in the backyard, accused arrested by police

by time news

Seoul: The man who starved and killed about 1000 dogs in South Korea is under surveillance. The incident took place in the North Western Province of the country. The Korea Herald reports that the brutality was brought to light by an investigation at the defendant’s home after a local resident found his pet dog missing.

A 60-year-old accused in the case of starving dogs to death. The police took him into custody and started questioning him. The information given to the police is that he catches stray dogs and starves them to death at home.

The animal welfare organization says that dog farms hire him to take care of older dogs when they can’t make a commercial profit from them. He was paid US$7.70 per dog.

The accused kept these dogs in cages and starved them to death. He started killing dogs in this way from 2020.

Dead bodies of dogs can be found in cages, sacks and rubber boxes in the accused’s backyard. The remains are lying in layers on the ground. Animal protection workers said after visiting the place that he is trying to make more layers by taking dead dogs on top of it. Dying dogs have malnutrition and skin disease. Two of the four dogs rescued from his clutches are in critical condition.

Animal cruelty is on the rise in South Korea. As against 69 cases in 2010, 914 cases were registered in 2019.

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