Gesualdo (Fism): ”Prevention is health, toll-free numbers help millions of patients”

by time news

“Investing in prevention means investing in health, prevention is health”. This was stated by IMF President Loreto Gesualdo during the presentation of the toll-free numbers of public utility assigned to the scientific societies Sin (nephrology), Sigo (gynecology and obstetrics), Anmco (hospital cardiology) and Soi (ophthalmology), accredited by the Ministry of Health and affiliated to the Federation of Italian Medical Scientific Societies. “When we talk about chronic degenerative diseases we are talking about cardiovascular diseases and nephrological diseases which in most cases recognize diabetes, obesity and hypertension as causes – continues Gesualdo – Today we are launching 4 public utility toll-free numbers as Fism, among these are the one on kidney disease through which citizens will have the opportunity to be heard by industry experts who will answer common questions. Chronic kidney disease affects 10% of the Italian population, we are talking about 6 million citizens who run this risk, knowing means preventing”.

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