Watch: The protesters call the CEO of the Kehelat Forum a ‘traitor’

by time news

The protest against the legal reform rises to another extreme level, and this morning, aside from the rioting and the blocking of the entrance to the offices of the ‘Khalat’ forum in the industrial area in Givat Shaul, the calls of ‘traitor’ also came to the CEO of the forum, Meir Rubin.

Rubin, the grandson of Rabbi Moshe Zvi Naria zt’l, entered the office building on Am Woelme Street surrounded by policemen, and behind him dozens of anarchists shouting at him ‘traitor’.

More on the same topic

‘The Day of Disruption’: Protesters blocked the offices of the Ecclesiastical Forum

The Kehalat Forum reported on the riot this morning: “The Kehalat Forum was established with the aim of promoting individual freedom, governance and Israel’s status as the state of the Jewish nation. We respect freedom-seeking people who work together with determination to promote common goals and their freedom of expression, even when it is not convenient or pleasant, embracing the All the protestors are peaceful and thank the Jerusalem District Police for a quick and professional response to those who deviate from the democratic rules of the game.”

The police arrested 6 suspects in the riot:

The police said: “In the last hour, the police arrested four more suspects (in addition to the two arrested earlier this morning) on ​​suspicion of disorderly conduct, which included blocking an office using missile cords, sacks, etc., in an office building in Givat Shaul this morning. All the arrested suspects were taken for questioning by the police.”

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