Mialy Rajoelina advocates girls’ education and the empowerment of (…)

by time news

Thousands of women, from 600 associations, from all districts of the country, marched through the Barea de Madagascar stadium yesterday in Mahamasina, on the occasion of the celebration of International Women’s Rights Day.

« An educated girl, an autonomous woman, guarantor of sustainable development was the theme chosen for the event. In her speech, Mialy Rajoelina expressed her wish to see all girls without exception benefit from an education.

« The education of our daughters is particularly close to my heart and I make it my hobbyhorse because education is the best inheritance. Education is the surest way to foster individual development and is therefore paramount in the lives of women “, she said. She also appealed to mothers to educate and guide their children because too many women still depend on men, and many girls do not have the right to study and enjoy their rights.

Women should no longer be considered the weaker sex or the ornament of the home, but should have a role and a place in society and should be the foundation of the country’s development. Especially since Malagasy women have the capacity to be independent and autonomous. This is why supporting the empowerment of women from the 23 regions through training was at the heart of the activities that marked the celebration of International Women’s Day this year.

The celebration of International Women’s Rights Day was spread over several days, the show at the Barea Stadium yesterday was the grand finale. The Ministry of Population, Social Protection and Promotion of Women and the Fitia Association of Mialy Rajoelina had co-organized a three-day training on cooking and baking at the Iavoloha Palace, an agricultural training u CAFPA Mahitsy for five days. The “Sarobidy ny aiko” medical caravan operation was also part of the March 8 celebration.

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