Barak Abramov donates NIS 20,000 to the treatment of Abigail Sharabi

by time news

On the way to a happy ending? Following a request from one of Beitar Jerusalem’s well-known fans, Abigail Sharabito help finance the treatment of the disease from which she suffers, the team’s owner, Barak Abramov, stepped in and decided to donate half of the amount – 20,000 NIS.

As I recall, Sharabi stated that she discovered that she was suffering from diabetes, and that there was a malignant cancerous tumor in her body, and she had to undergo surgery to remove the left kidney. To this end, Beitar Y-M fans distributed a message on her behalf, in which they asked for donations for financial aid for the health of one of the beloved favorites in the Teddy stands. The campaign swept away hundreds of Beitar Y-M fans who had already donated, as well as football fans in general, who appreciate Sharabi for Her sympathy for football and her contribution to the community over the years.

“My dear friends,” she began in a message circulated on the networks, “with tearful eyes I am writing to you. I can’t believe that this is the situation that I have to ask for help for myself. Last November I became ill with very severe diabetes – degree 2, I inject 4 insulin a day into my stomach and then also Bloods are very high. I take 13 pills a day. After a series of comprehensive tests, including a CT scan, I was informed that I have a malignant 7 cm cancerous tumor and also kidney stones.”

“I have to undergo an operation to remove my left kidney. Anyone who saves one soul in Israel has a high degree in heaven – the amount of the operation was 40 thousand NIS. I am very sad that in our country a person has to collect alms. Shame.. Blessings and success will come upon you in all the works of your hands, may we always help each other. I only love you with happiness,” she concluded her words.

For donations to finance the surgery – click here

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