the intersyndicale wrote a letter to Emmanuel Macron

by time news

Among the signatories of the letter are the eight main trade unions and five youth organisations. JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP

The unions denounce the government’s silence in the face of the mobilization, which they describe as a “serious democratic problem”.

The eight main French unions and five youth organizations wrote Thursday to the President of the Republic to ask him for a meeting on the subject of the pension reform, seeing in the silence of the executive in the face of the social movement a “serious democratic problem».

On the evening of a record mobilization on Tuesday, the unions had announced in their press release their intention to write to the President of the Republic. Recalling the “powerful manifestationsorganized six times since January 19, the authors of the letter stress that “these massive mobilizations, everywhere in France and in all the professional sectors of the private and the public, received the constant support of the French population».

«And yet you and your government remain silent before the expression of this powerful social movement. For our organizations, this lack of response constitutes a serious democratic problem, it inevitably leads to a situation which could become explosive.“, they write, using the terms of their press release.

«In the urgency of this moment, and the seriousness of its consequences, the trade unions constituting the intersyndicale express, together, the request to meet you“, they continue. But the executive has already rejected the request of the unions to be received at the Élysée. Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne replied to them on Wednesday, telling the Senate that the door of Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt was “always open».

SEE ALSO – Pensions: the inter-union calls “to continue and amplify the movement” after the mobilization of March 7

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