International Women’s Rights Day: The BRVM celebrates women in the regional financial market

by time news

As part of the celebration of International Women’s Rights Day, yesterday Wednesday, March 08, 2023, the Regional Stock Exchange (BRVM) paid tribute to women in the financial market. The institution welcomed, on this occasion, at its headquarters in Abidjan, several women business leaders, directors of companies and financial institutions, presidents and managers of foundations and women’s associations who came to discuss with their peers.

“For an inclusive digital world: innovation and technologies for gender equality” is the theme of the 2023 edition of International Women’s Day. The Regional Stock Exchange did not remain on the sidelines of the commemoration of this day which, more than a simple solemnity, constitutes a moment of intense reflection on the social inclusion of women.

According to the Director General of the BRVM, Edok Kossi Amènounvè, “the theme of the 2024 edition of International Women’s Rights Day should contribute to accelerating the reduction of the persistent gap between men and women at all levels, because of the place and preponderant role that digital plays in our lives today”. Quoting James Emman AGGREY, a Ghanaian intellectual, missionary and teacher, “To educate a man is to educate an individual. Educating a woman is educating a whole nation”, argued the DG BRVM according to whom, this quote alone sums up the challenge of gender equality for the harmonious development of nations.

According to the CEO, the appropriation by the Regional Stock Exchange (BRVM) of the “Ring the Bell For Gender Equality” concept and the signing of the Women’s Empowerment Principales (WEPs) in 2019 mark the BRVM’s commitment to promote gender for the development of the financial sector in general, and of the Financial Market in particular, within WAEMU. In his speech, he made a point of paying a deserved tribute to the women who participate in the animation of the financial market.

“I am therefore pleased to take the opportunity of this celebration to pay tribute to all these women who contribute to the vitality of the regional financial market, for their leadership, their actions and for the example they set for the current and future generations,” he said. In fact, women take an important part in the animation of the stock market thanks to the gender approach within the BRVM. The proof is the presence on the Board of Directors of the BRVM of 03 women. Also, there are 03 women at the head of the ANB out of the 07 active in the sub-region; twenty-two (22) directors of SGI, SGO, BTCC and listed companies and two other presidents of the Professional Association of SGI and BTCC. This testifies to the need for the place currently occupied by women in the governance and management bodies of the stock market at the BRVM. Without being satisfied with it, efforts must be continued for more representativeness insisted the DG BRVM. It should be noted that as part of this celebration, the BRVM welcomed several women business leaders of companies and financial institutions, presidents and managers of foundations and women’s associations, including Dior Latifa DIACK, Deputy Director Innovation and B2B Solutions at Orange Côte d’Ivoire as Keynote Speaker for this edition.

Bidossessi WANOU

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