Kidney day, Zullo (Fdi): “Intergroup chronicity must be reconstituted”

by time news

“If this step is to be taken and the parliamentary Intergroup of chronicity revitalized, I put my sensitivity as a doctor into play and I am there”. So the Senator Ignazio Zullo (Brothers of Italy), member of the X Standing Commission for Social Affairs, Health, Public and Private Work, Social Security of Palazzo Madama, at Salute on the occasion of the World Kidney Day which is celebrated on March 9. In the chronic kidney diseasehe stresses, “the most important thing is one early diagnosis, with blood and urine tests”, costing a few euros, “to evaluate the parameters of renal function. If this is done at a certain age and at the slightest suspicion (these are conditions at risk: hypertension, diabetes or heart failure, ed), people’s quality of life can be improved, challenged by a pathology that presents itself in an insidious way and silent” (VIDEO).

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“If in the last legislature there was a commitment to an inter-parliamentary group for tapering – observes Zullo – I think it should be reconstituted. Chronicity is one of the biggest public health problems and it presupposes, on the one hand, health promotion interventions, with correct lifestyles, primary and secondary prevention, early diagnosis, but let us not forget the tertiary sector, the rehabilitation of the outcomes”. Then there is, “the taking charge of the person”.

On the subject of the working table at the Ministry of Health and on the work to arrive not only at updating the ministerial guidelines, but also of the National Chronicity Plan“obviously – says the senator – we must standardize behaviors to achieve the best appropriateness which is not only prescriptive, but also allocative of resources. We need updated guidelines and we must take stock of the situation. We have outdated guidelines and we need to understand with the ministry what progress has been made”. In this process, Zullo highlights the “need for the contribution of scientific societies and to attract a ‘consensus conference’ to bring about the adhesion of the protagonists of the sector, because the guidelines guide – he concludes – must be applied not because they have the force of law, but because they are convincing for all the actors who enter the system”.

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