What is your next step? 8 high-tech companies offer you new jobs

by time news

If you are looking to refresh your career or have had to look for a new job – there are some parameters that are important for you to know when looking for jobs. Beyond a rewarding salary, we all want to integrate successfully in a place that gives meaning and value, but also allows for a balance between work and leisure, and for the work environment to be fruitful and inspiring and to encourage growth, learning and professionalism. So how do you find such a place and at such a time? That’s exactly what we’re here for.

Geektime Insider puts technology companies and high-tech workers at the center. On the page of each company you can be exposed behind the scenes: get an impression of the offices, watch video interviews, read about the company, the employees and their daily experiences, and only then decide if this is a place you want to work.

Conduct market research, help companies compete in the frenetic market, help various organizations fight crime and even save lives – working at Bright Data enables the fulfillment of these aspects, and in the center of the technological stage stands the Public Web Data. So what product did the company develop? This is the first technology of its kind to collect public data from the Internet in a way that helps any organization or company to make important decisions in real time. The company was established in 2014 and among its thousands of customers you will find some of the leading trading sites in the world – major banks in the United States, social networks and other customers. Today the company employs more than 450 people worldwide, including about 270 in Israel. And here are some interesting details about its investment in professional development channels for employees: in the company they say that 35% of the managers grew up within the company and about 28% of the position holders in the company are women.

The company’s new offices were inaugurated at the beginning of the year and are located in a three-story building on Hakot Street in Netanya. Before we talk about all the new facilities there – there is something important to know about the employee’s schedule. How many times have you hoped that a meeting would be postponed or canceled because there are many other tasks on the table? At Bright Data, this will not happen, because internal meetings are not invited to the calendar. Meetings with clients or relevant external parties. And we promised to also talk about some special benefits and facilities, so here it is: employees enjoy breakfast and lunch prepared by chefs, a gym, a video room, ping pong tables and even a climbing wall. Apart from these, there is also practical help – A laundry room, a large dog park and even dog walkers who walk with the dogs staying in the office.

Bright Data offices

What are they looking for?

Apply for the position Global PR Manager

Apply for the position Partnerships Manager

With all due respect to podcasts and a regular radio show, the real dream of all of us is less traffic jams and more flowing traffic. Axilion’s technology brings the realization of this dream to the roads by optimizing the traffic timing plans and thereby also reducing carbon emissions. America right? Yes really. Soon the company’s service will be launched in the United States and thousands of engineers from Silicon Valley will know much less time in their lives. A little background: Exilion was founded in 2009 and was issued in Tel Aviv in 2021 and it collects data on cars, public transport and pedestrians to create digital coordination for the cities’ main traffic corridors. In Israel, the company employs about 22 people and additional employees are in Bulgaria.

A routine scenario that you can witness in the company’s offices located in an office building in Matam Park in the city of Haifa: guys are enjoying a break together in the fun sitting area next to the indulgent ice cream refrigerator and from the transparent windows there is a direct and pastoral view of green vegetation and the sea. The strictness of flow, clean lines and open spaces And pleasantness is expressed in the chosen design. Yes, and the employees also enjoy accessibility and convenient movement thanks to the location of the office near the Hoof Carmel train station. The company’s goal is that the Exilion solution will be implemented everywhere in the world, and the people who are suitable for the positions are those who are not afraid to demonstrate professional talent but are also enthusiastic to cooperate and solve challenges.

Axilion offices

What are they looking for?

Apply for the position Product Manager

Apply for the position US Market BD Analyst

The innovation center of Just Eat Takeaway.com, located in Tel Aviv, was born in 2019 and spans an area of ​​approximately 4,400 square meters, over three floors in WeWork Azrieli Town. The designed offices include spaces for joint work, extensive personal areas, meeting rooms Pampers and a large kitchen for shared lunches in front of the view. All of these are enjoyed by the employees who maintain a fun company and a good atmosphere even after work hours. What else is on the menu? Worthy company parties, team evenings and an annual ski vacation abroad.

Just Eat-Takeaway is a food ordering marketplace operating in 24 countries around the world. The company is traded on the London, Amsterdam and New York stock exchanges worth billions of euros and serves over 90 million users and 550 thousand restaurants. The development and innovation center in Tel Aviv of Just Eat Takeaway currently has about 150 employees and is expected to grow by dozens of employees by the end of the year. The global company’s products are built in the development center in Tel Aviv in order to serve the company’s enormous scope of activity and support millions of transactions every day. The center in Tel Aviv functions as an independent unit, which allows maintaining a startup culture, fast and agile.

Just Eat Takeaway.com offices

What are they looking for?

Apply for the position Cloud System Administrator

Apply for the position Full Stack Team Leader

When it comes to attitude and treatment of employees, Intuit’s motto is Employees First. This means that the welfare of the employee comes first, whether it is his career development, the balance between work and private life or the general well being. The company grew from a startup and the atmosphere is very family-like. With a little peek into the kitchen at the company’s offices located in Petah Tikva, you can find all the teams eating together, keeping up to date and enjoying sharing knowledge (even if it’s about recipes). The company’s work complex includes special equipment between the floors: ping pong rooms, tension devices and full of places to relax and rest. In addition to these, on Thursdays there is a tradition of Happy Hour, with company news, snacks and another opportunity worth relaxing before entering the weekend.

Intuit Israel was established in 2014, following the acquisitions of two startups: Check and Porticor. Recently, following a purchase, the company Imvision joined its forces. Today the company is a global leader in innovation in the fields of mobile, security and machine learning, it employs over 300 people and is expected to grow significantly in the coming year. The company advocates contributing to the community, developing and empowering employees and constant technological growth. The new jobs at Intuit will join you in a global company with branches in 11 countries spread over five continents. Another fascinating fact – the site in Israel is the company’s second development center outside the United States.

Intuit offices

Photo: Intuit

What are they looking for?

Apply for the position Senior DevOps and SRE Engineer

Apply for the position Staff Software Engineer, Fraud Prevention

The concept of Zoom Free Hours is intimately familiar to Riskified employees. The company, which recently moved to new offices on Shaul Hamelech Boulevard in Tel Aviv, advocates a home-work balance and these hours without Zoom meetings are an example of the flexible and considerate work model. Beyond pampering and enrichment sessions such as Happy Hours, Lunch & Learn lectures and sports classes, employees benefit from technological training and a diverse corporate culture. Did you come up with a worthwhile idea that you would like to present to the managers? Riskified advocates the encouragement of autonomy and personal responsibility and every employee can feel completely comfortable offering ideas, being creative and acting in new directions.

The company helps the e-commerce industry realize its full potential by making it a safe, accessible and profitable place. The solutions it developed are designed to protect merchants and consumers throughout the purchase process and maintain an optimal user experience, and they use complex algorithms and machine learning processes to identify legitimate customers and help them complete the purchase. The company employs more than 750 employees in Israel, the USA, Europe and China, who play a central role in the core of the activities of e-commerce companies, banks and end customers.


Photography: Ascaf Photography

What are they looking for?

Apply for the position Application Security Architect

Apply for the position Technical Product Manager

You must have come across Slack channels for recipes, but what about a channel for the coffee culture in the company? In Laminar, the professional coffee machine provides quite a bit of material for such a channel. Here’s a scoop – there’s also a channel dedicated to glorious whipping failures. This is one example that tells a little about the family atmosphere in the Laminar offices located on the 17th floor of the Rubinstein Twin Towers on Yitzhak Sadeh Street in Tel Aviv. A view of the city’s buildings – there are, cool sitting areas – there are also, and along with these also a social fan such as boisterous spikeball games, acro yoga in the sun once a fortnight and other events. All employees combine two days a week of working from home and the rest of the days they are in the office.

Leap forward in the worlds of data security in the cloud environment: in the days leading up to the launch of Laminar’s platform, the field of information security remained a mystery to some organizations. The platform developed by the company provides full protection for information that is managed in the cloud, depending on its sensitivity and type. For example, information security managers can discover shadow data on inactive servers. Laminar was established in 2020 and tripled its size in the last six months. Today it employs about 70 people, including about 45 in Israel and the rest in the United States. Laminar is looking to join them on the 17th floor by naturally sociable and curious people who want to be exposed to new professional worlds.

Laminar employees

What are they looking for?

Apply for the position Senior DevOps Engineer

Apply for the position Senior Backend Engineer

What do the monday.com offices look like in Israel and what is the wellness program that the employees enjoy? A short read and you will get a taste of both. The offices located in Tel Aviv include a variety of work spaces – from standing desks and sofas to smaller rooms, shared spaces and more. Each floor of the company’s headquarters has several meeting areas, so teams have a dedicated area with an amazing view. And, before you get curious, you can certainly bring dogs to the offices and the company encourages it. On the last floor is the community floor with an auditorium for conferences, a cafe and workspaces for the startup community. And now for the company’s wellness program: this includes fitness classes in the office and at Zoom, periodic health checks, meditation and mindfulness courses and even 12 confidential sessions with a psychologist for employees who are interested.

Monday, which employs more than 1,500 people worldwide, develops an operating system for work (Work OS), through which organizations of any size can create the tools and processes they need for management. The company’s product, launched in 2014, allows an efficient and intuitive way to manage teams, projects, business processes and complex operations. Today the platform is used by more than 152 thousand customers in more than 200 industries in more than 190 countries. Monday’s pre-development operating system is available in 14 languages, and is constantly evolving while adding new capabilities and features. The company invests a lot in development and learning paths for the employees, and among other things initiates programs and activities for the community such as the Monday Academy that offers training paths for employees without high-tech experience who aspire to integrate into the industry.

monday.com offices

Photo: Monday

What are they looking for?

Apply for the position Executive & Internal Communications, CEO Office

Apply for the position Software Engineer

Overlooking the White City: Cymulate’s Tel Aviv offices are those that combine an urban view from the windows and a rooftop for breaks. You can also mark a green V (or a smiling smiley if you want) next to accessibility to public transportation, flexible working hours and mostly hybrid work. The company was founded in 2016 and employs about 200 people worldwide, of which 100 are in Israel.

The product developed by the company focuses on the attack: a cloud-based cyber security platform for simulating hacks and cyber attacks. The research team works with all hackable technologies, and the development team works with diverse technologies, including: K8S, NodeJS, React, MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, .Net Core, C, C++, C#, Python, Elastic Search. Those who join the company enter the action of the darknet, on the good side of the matter.

Cymulate offices

What are they looking for?

Apply for the position Customer Support Team Lead

Apply for the position Full Stack Developer

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