| Don’t say a word about Purushadhan Mangalam

by time news

Most of us Malayalees carry dowry as a ritual, singing the song ‘Pennaya ja ponnu natu ponninkudam ai tenam’, even when four people are shouting that woman is wealth. This arrangement, which creates great potential for the men and great responsibility for the women, changes a little when you arrive in China. Miraculous change in which the plaintiff becomes the defendant. There the victim is not female. is
Instead of dowry, it is male money that is the problem. In other words, it means that only boys who have money to pay a man’s money can marry a girl in China. Here female householders sell their house and land to pay dowry, while male householders sell their own assets to pay the female households. If it’s in China, you have to pay. Must be a pot of gold. You need a pocket full of cash to pay the pattharamat girl. With the arrival of the situation that it is not necessary to have a heart full of ideas, but a pocket full of money to get married, the wedding dreams of all the young people with low income in China have almost been cut short.
Thus, when the ‘purushadhan’ gave a check to men’s marriage ambitions, now the government has come forward by saying a counter check to that purushadhan. Purushadhana is prohibited by law. It means that those who buy Purushadhan in cash and gift will henceforth face punishment.

Creation of One Child Policy

China was and still is the world’s largest population. But as the population soared uncontrollably, the Chinese government enacted the One Child Law in 1979 to control it. If you want to say that this Purushadhan is the creation of that one child law.
With the law that only one child can be born, the Chinese people wanted that one child to be. With that, they started killing girls in the womb. Female feticide became a sequel.
The number of girls has decreased. But with the passage of time, the society realized the harm of female feticide. Excluding the girls, the parents looked for a girl to marry the male children they gave birth to. There is a huge demand for girls in the marriage market. Whoever pays the most gets the bride. Many people got married by making huge offers to their wives.
Thus, many male householders became bankrupt by paying unexplained husband’s money. On the other hand, the number of young people who were not financially healthy enough to pay manhood was increasing day by day. Many people decided not to get married. Many private surveys say that the number of unmarried men over the age of thirty in China is in the hundreds of thousands. That’s when the government comes in with the Purushdhana Prohibition Act with a new hope for these unmarried people.

Also due to population decline

The Chinese government realized years ago that the one-child law would backfire on them like a boomerang. As early as 2016, the one-child policy was withdrawn and the two-child policy implemented due to fears that China would become a country of only the elderly as the youth population dwindled. When that didn’t work, in 2021, a new rule was introduced to allow three children. And benefits like tax relief, financial assistance and extended maternity leave were also announced.
Yet in 2021, China’s birth rate hit its lowest point in six decades. That’s when the government learns more about this population decline. Thus, the government recognized that one of the main causes of population decline was opposition to marriage among the youth, and the main reason for this was male scarcity. Now the government is trying to increase the marriage rate and thus the birth rate by eliminating the male allowance.
Currently, there is a huge shortage of young people in China. The number of elderly people will double. The government fears that if the practice of male dowry is not eliminated and the number of marriages is not increased, the economic status of the country will turn upside down.
An aging population and fewer healthy young people to work is a threat to any country’s economy.
Therefore, the Chinese government has issued a strict order to the people that no one should say a word about the male wealth.

Anish Narayan

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