the cry of alarm of the Court of Auditors

by time news

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In their annual public report, the sages of rue Cambon call for a faster return to a “sustainable and lasting” trajectory.

By Philippine Robert

>, warns the Court of Auditors in its annual report. “title=”< La situation des finances publiques de la France restera en 2023 parmi les plus degradees dans la zone euro >>, warns the Court of Auditors in its annual report. “/>
“The situation of France’s public finances will remain in 2023 among the most degraded in the euro zone”, warns the Court of Auditors in its annual report.

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Lhe recovery of public finances is now! A slogan that could be that of Pierre Moscovici. “Concerned” by the state of the public accounts, the president of the Court of Auditors called at the beginning of the year, during his wishes to the press, the government to “clearly take action”.

Two months later, the message has not changed one iota: the rapid return to a more sustainable trajectory is “necessary and priority”, hammered the former Minister of the Economy of François Hollande this Thursday, March 9, on the eve of the publication of the annual public report of the Court of Auditors. “The current situation of public finances no longer makes it possible to postpone again the necessary return to a sustainable and sustainable public finance trajectory”, underline the wise men…

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