The importance of restful sleep in sports performance

by time news

Today we present to you what are the main factors that affect the quality of sleep and why deep rest is vital for athletes.

The importance of restful sleep in sports performance

Last update: March 10, 2023

To perform well in the gym or in sports, not only a healthy diet and long hours of training are necessary, but daily rest also plays a fundamental role. Next, we will explain the importance of restful sleep in sports performance and how to take advantage of all the benefits of physical activity.

Usually, athletes and beginning exercisers are focused only on their training and nutrition, forgetting the great role that rest plays for their physical and mental well-being. However, the quality of sleep can be affected for many reasons and prevent proper recovery and regeneration of the body.

Why is restful sleep necessary for athletes?

Sleep is a vital and indispensable component for human health and well-being. Since it not only has a significant impact on muscle growth and emotional regulation, but also on cognitive performance and quality of life.

During sleep, the body produces hormones and biomolecules important for recovery, such as growth hormone, testosterone, and ATP (the main source of energy used by muscles during exercise). Daily rest also helps regulate the immune system, repair damaged tissues, and reduce stress and fatigue; what in turn improves concentration, memory and decision making.

Due to the above, when talking about sports performance, restful sleep is more relevant than many athletes believe. This is due to the fact that multiple studies report that, in addition to being an integral part of the recovery and sports adaptation process, a better quality and duration of sleep It is associated with optimal performance and competitive success.

Also, some research has suggested that getting less than 7 hours of sleep puts athletes at greater risk of injury and illness. Therefore, understanding the importance of daily rest not only for athletes, but for human beings in general, is essential so as not to leave it in second place and take care of physical and mental health after training.

Factors that can affect sleep quality

There are several reasons that can have a negative impact on the quality of sleep in athletes. Learning to recognize them and implement strategies to avoid them will make a big difference in athletes’ performance and improve their fitness.

Here are some of the most relevant:

1. Lifestyle of the athlete

The athlete’s lifestyle involves everything that affects performance, including hours of sleep.

Athletes who have irregular schedules, travel frequently, use recreational drugs, or have high stress levels may experience difficulty falling asleep or maintaining a consistent rest pattern.

It is important to implement schedules and routines, not only to ensure good training and nutrition, but also a restful sleep. As well as avoiding harmful substances that may affect normal sleep cycles (such as caffeine, alcohol, and marijuana).

2. Inadequate sleeping environment

The place where you rest has a direct impact on the quality of your sleep. Because It is not the same to sleep in a clean, ventilated and dimly lit room, than in a dirty bedroom, with noise and an inadequate mattress and pillow.

It is best to snooze in a room where there are no sudden, loud sounds that would wake the sleeper up or prevent them from falling asleep in the first place. Avoid too bright or hot bedrooms that can interfere with melatonin production. And, in turn, choose a pocket spring mattress that is not too soft or hard to sleep comfortably and prevent pain in the back or neck.

3. Poor nutrition

Choosing the right foods is an important part of the training plan. A wrong diet can also alter sleep patterns.

Diet can also influence the ability to get restful sleep. Athletes who consume foods high in caffeine or sugar may have trouble falling asleep or maintaining a deep rest. On the other hand, a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals can improve the quality of sleep.

The most advisable thing is to consume foods rich in tryptophans or carbohydrates, such as chicken, fish, cheese, potatoes and egg whites. Likewise, high-fat meals should be avoided before bedtime, because they can reduce the number of hours of sleep.

4. Training and competition environment

The place where training and sports competitions take place can affect the quality of sleep. For example, people who train in noisy or dimly lit environments often have difficulty sleeping. In addition, night exercise may disrupt the athlete’s normal sleep pattern.

5. Injuries and respiratory problems

When an athlete sustains a serious injury, they may experience night pains that prevent restful sleep. In these cases, use can be made under medical approval of supplements containing melatonin or magnesium to facilitate rest.

On the other hand, when you suffer from allergies and respiratory problems, such as sleep apnea, it can be very difficult to fall asleep. It is best to seek professional medical attention to find a timely solution.

6. Psychological factors

Stress, anxiety and depression can affect the quality of daily rest. Athletes who experience these emotional states should seek psychological help to improve their emotional well-being and power. maintain a deep sleep without getting a knot in the head.

Restful sleep and sports performance are closely linked

Daily rest is a key aspect for athletes’ sports performance. And is that lack of sleep can negatively affect coordination, speed, strength and precision of movements, as well as increase the risk of injury.

So to avoid these disadvantages, athletes should pay special attention to factors that can affect sleep quality, such as training schedule, sleeping environment, consumption of substances that affect sleep, among others.

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