What acne reveals about your health according to the area of ​​appearance

by time news

OF HEALTH.- Beauty and health go hand in hand, believe it or not. Many times, the first is a reflection of the second and an example is what acne reveals about your health, according to experts who point out that this disease on the skin it works like a facial map that should not be ignored.

In accordance with better with health, acne occurs when the sebaceous glands produce more oil than normal, clog the pores and sebum and dead cells are retained within them. As a result, pimples, blackheads and pimples appear; This can happen occasionally or constantly, in addition to severe cases.

This skin disease still occurs due to other reasons: hormonal changes, menstrual periods, birth control pills, pregnancy and even stress. Despite this, there may also be other reasons, indicates Chinese medicine.

“There are many causes of acne, and many people don’t realize that internal factors, from how much you sleep to the air you breathe, can affect it. The great fur it comes from taking care of what you put on it to how you take care of your body,” said Dr. Roshini Raj, who has done numerous facial maps.

Acne can appear on various parts of the body and it can have a meaning.

Related note: How to take care of your skin during the summer if you have acne?

Acne on the forehead

Acne on the forehead is related to digestive problems and stress. It is recommended that people change their eating habits and especially replace coffee or processed drinks with water. In some cases, climatic factors also influence and it is advisable to take care of the sun and clear the forehead. That is, do not wear your hair loose in that area (forehead).

Acne on the cheeks

When acne predominates on the upper part of the cheeks, the problem stems from the respiratory system. But if he acne It occurs in the lower part of the cheeks, the problem comes from inadequate dental hygiene. In addition to the fact that the cleanliness of the face should be increased, it is important to have check-ups to verify how the organism is.

Zone T

This is the most complex area because it stores more fat. It runs from between the eyebrows to the nose and chin and the acne problem is due to gastrointestinal imbalances or allergies to certain foods. It is necessary to change the diet, reducing the consumption of dairy products, red meat and fast food.

Acne in zona T

Acne on the chin

In this area it is not so common to have acne, but when it appears it may be due to hormonal problems, specifically it is a sign of hormonal imbalance that derives from the menstruation. In some cases it is related to emotional or physical stress, so experts from both areas should be assisted to define the cause and receive treatment.

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