These African countries are boosting their purchases of Russian wheat

by time news

Russia is registering an intensification of demand for its wheat in several African countries, the supporting factors being payments in rubles and the competitiveness of Russian products, the Russian Grain Union explains to Sputnik.

Russian wheat is finding new markets in Kenya, Tanzania and Angola, the Russian Grain Union, which brings together around 400 players in the sector, told Sputnik.

“Last season we did not ship any wheat […] in Kenya, Tanzania, Angola, on the other hand this season, we see that there are quite active deliveries to Africa: the demand in February is at a high level”, explained Elena Turina, director of the analytical department organisation.

These deliveries are not part of the grain deal, but are simply based on demand in these African countries, she adds.

In February, 3.7 million tons of grain were exported by Russia, 35.4% more than in February 2022, according to data from the Union. As for wheat shipments, they increased by 37.6% to 3.05 million tonnes.

Egyptian demand quadrupled

Long-standing partners in the field are also active. Egypt, which remains one of the main importers of Russian wheat, increased its purchases. In February, deliveries were multiplied by 4 to reach more than one million tons, according to the Russian Cereal Union. According to the official, the trend is explained by the fact that payments between Russia and Egypt are beginning to be made in rubles.

Another African country, Algeria, ordered 60,000 tons in February, while in February 2022 Russian wheat was not shipped to this country.

“The demand for Russian wheat is quite high,” said Elena Turina.

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