Repressive “foreign agents” bill is withdrawn after brutal dispersal of protests

by time news
A protester stands in front of a police cordon during a protest in front of the Parliament in Tbilisi, Georgia, on March 8, 2023. © David Mdzinarishvili / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images.
In response to the news that, following the massive protests in Tbilisi, the Georgian Parliament has announced its decision to withdraw the repressive bills on “foreign agents”Marie Struthers, Amnesty International’s Director for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, said:

“The authorities have finally committed to listening to the voices of the protesters who filled the streets for two days, showing their enormous bravery in the face of sprays of water cannons and clouds of tear gas. All those who were detained for peacefully exercising their right to freedom of assembly must be released immediately.”

“The security forces not only used water cannons and tear gas, but also flashbang grenades dispersing the crowds on the second day of protests in Tbilisi; in many cases they directed these materials without warning at people who were demonstrating peacefully. Protesters reported that police had blocked exit routes while chasing, detaining, beating and throwing flash grenades at protesters. Police beat and detained at least 77 peopleincluding peaceful protesters and journalists.”

“In many cases, the use of force by the police was neither proportionate nor necessary, and did not minimize damage and injuries. Water cannons should only be used when strictly necessary to contain or disperse crowds, or when violence has reached such a degree that it cannot be dealt with by more peaceful means. Similarly, tear gas should not be used in excessive amounts, in closed spaces or directly against people. The combined heavy use of tear gas and water cannons constitutes torture or other ill-treatment and should be fully investigated.”

Additional information

The widely criticized legislation sparked mass protests in Tbilisi on March 7, the same day the first of two “foreign agents” bills were adopted by the Georgian Parliament at its first hearing.

The protests, which lasted for two days and were basically peaceful, turned violent at times. Protesters broke windows of the Georgian Parliament, smashed fences and hurled stones at police. Law enforcement forces detained more than 77 people. The police also used water cannons and tear gas to disperse the crowds.

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