7 ways to make a homemade dehumidifier

by time news

Humidity can be a headache in certain spaces of the house. However, there are simple ways to control this problem. Keep reading and we’ll tell you.

7 ways to make a homemade dehumidifier

Last update: March 10, 2023

Have you noticed yellowish or dark spots on the walls? Maybe it’s because of the humidity. Apart from identifying its origin, it is a good idea to place a home dehumidifier in certain spaces, to help reduce or prevent the consequences.

It is true that there are devices that fulfill this function. However, there are also alternatives that are cheaper and more ecological, since they do not consume electricity.

So if you are looking for a way to combat this problem at home, keep reading. Take note of how to make a homemade dehumidifier.

Problems caused by humidity at home

Be it home or office, relative humidity level should be between 30% and 50%. But there are some reasons why this percentage can be raised; the main ones are condensation and seepage.

In either of the two, the consequences are diverse. Objects can be affected, as well as people’s health.

In this order of ideas, among the problems associated with a higher level of humidity, the following are pointed out:

  • The quality of rest is affected.
  • it feels hotter inside the house.
  • The paint cracks, lifts and falls off.
  • there is greater presence of fungus and mold.
  • appear stains on the walls and the roof.
  • Bad smells in the environment and stored clothing.
  • Furniture, clothing and other objects may be damaged.
  • Increases the risk or symptoms of respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis).

What is a dehumidifier and how does it work?

There are several ways to combat high humidity indoors. Of course, The first thing to do is identify the cause.. If it is a condensation problem, if there is a leak through the roof when it rains or a leak in a broken pipe.

But sometimes, we find ourselves in naturally humid environments: basements or closed spaces without air circulation, among others. Then it may be necessary to use a dehumidifier.

This is a device that extracts part of the humidity present in the environment. It works in a similar way to an air conditioner, although for other purposes.

The process is like this:

  1. Moist air from the room enters the device.
  2. It passes through a cooling coil, condensing.
  3. It then reaches a disk, where a desiccant absorbs the moisture.
  4. The extracted moisture goes to a water tank.
  5. The air is heated before returning to the environment.

There are different types of dehumidifiers on the market. The choice depends on the size of the space in which it will be used.

The drawback with these devices is that, in addition to their cost, they increase the consumption of electricity. They must stay on constantly.

Commercial dehumidifiers represent a significant investment of money to start up and to have them running.

How to make a homemade dehumidifier? 7 practical ideas

Apart from the aforementioned devices, you can make a homemade dehumidifier using natural products. In addition to being less expensive, they do not add to your electricity bill. Let’s see what the alternatives are.

1. With coal

According to a study conducted at a university in Peru, activated carbon it can be an option to control mold, as well as high humidity levels. Its porous structure favors absorption. In addition, it neutralizes bad odors.

To make this homemade dehumidifier you will need the following materials:

  • 1 plastic soda bottle (empty) or 1 can or can (can be coffee).
  • Vegetable charcoal, in sufficient quantity to fill half the container.
  • 1 knife or 1 screwdriver.

The procedure is very simple: just make a hole in the container and fill it halfway with charcoal. Then it is located in the place where there is humidity. It is recommended to change the carbon regularly, every 15 or 30 days.

An alternative to make this homemade dehumidifier is to use small cloth bags (it can be burlap or jute). In this case, the pieces of charcoal should be smaller. You can place them in different corners of the house or hang them on the door handles.

2. With coarse salt

Salt is another element widely used to combat moisture problems.. Preferably, coarse salt is used, which, in addition to its applications in the kitchen, helps to absorb the water vapor present in the air.

You need the following:

  • Coarse salt (100 to 150 grams).
  • 1 empty can (without lid) or 1 bottle (must be clean).
  • Piece of cloth (can be an old sock).

To make this homemade dehumidifier you must follow a procedure similar to the previous one:

  1. Drill a few holes in the tin base (not many). If you use a bottle, you can cut it in half and place it upside down, in the shape of a funnel, making a hole in the lid.
  2. Place the cloth and add the salt.
  3. Locate the home dehumidifier in a space where there is moisture.

But you must place it so that the air circulates, that is, that the holes below are not covered. Salt should be replaced every week or every 10 days; at least 3 times a month.

In an investigation carried out in Panama to test construction materials, it was found that sheets made with natural fibers, combining coconut tow, rice starch and coarse salt, help reduce relative humidity.

3. Baking soda

In addition to the multiple uses for cleaning the home, you can use baking soda to make a homemade dehumidifier. The process is similar to the two described above, although it is preferably done with gauze bags.

They are placed in the corners of damp rooms, in drawers or in closets. Not only is it effective in combating humidity, but it deodorizes and creates an environment that inhibits the growth of microorganisms.

4. With chalk

This is a very simple home dehumidifier to make and use. You only need a few chalks to write on blackboards, either white or colored. They are placed in a tulle or gauze bag, that is, a breathable fabric.

Close the bag well. You can add a rope for hanging.

It serves to combat humidity in the closet, preventing clothes from having a bad smell; also in the car. As in the previous cases, you have to check from time to time to see if you need to change the chalk.

5. Calcium Chloride

Calcium chloride or calcium chloride It is a salt used in the food industry for processed foods and precooked, preserved and canned. It is also applied to treat wastewater and is an ingredient in the manufacture of pulp and polymers.

You can make a homemade dehumidifier with calcium chloride. It is recommended to use the industrial type, which has greater absorption properties.

Follow these steps:

  1. Take an empty plastic soda bottle and cut it open.
  2. Add the calcium chloride halfway.
  3. Place a piece of tulle or similar fabric to cover the container. You can use a rubber or tape to fix the fabric.
  4. Place the container in the corners where there is concentration of humidity.
  5. Empty the container when you see that it has filled with water.

The good thing about this home dehumidifier is that You can keep the chloride, letting it dry in the sun, to reuse it. However, over time it loses its properties, so it will be time to change later.

Studies indicate that this compound has been used, together with activated carbon and silica gel, for refrigeration and dehumidification systems, driven by low-temperature heat, proving to be an efficient absorbent.

6. With rice

Perhaps you didn’t know that, in addition to being a great companion to your dishes, you can use rice to remove moisture and bad smell from cabinets, combining it with other ingredients that we have already seen.

You need the following:

  • Sodium bicarbonate.
  • Container without lid.
  • plastic type film.
  • Tape or string.
  • Coarse salt.
  • Rice.

Put in the bowl some baking soda, rice and salt, in equal proportions. The amount you need will depend on the humidity level and space. It could be a cup of each of these ingredients. Mix well.

Then cover with paper film, fixing with tape or string and open several holes. Place in the place where you need to regulate humidity. From time to time you should check how wet it is, to replace the mixture.

7. With plants

In addition to helping you decorate and brighten up the environment, there are indoor plants that absorb moisture. Among the varieties that best fulfill this function, the following can be mentioned:

  • Cactus.
  • Ivy.
  • Ask.
  • ribbons.
  • Calathea.
  • ferns.
  • Tillandsias.
  • Air carnation.
  • Bamboo palm.
  • Peace lily.
The peace lily helps absorb moisture from the environment.

Other measures to combat humidity

Apart from these homemade dehumidifiers, there are some tricks to get rid of humidity at home that you can apply and that are quite effective. Take into account the following recommendations:

  • Do not store clothes inside the house. If possible, always do it outdoors.
  • open the windows and doors every day, even the ones in the closets.
  • Separate the furniture from the wallsin order to circulate the air.
  • When you paint the walls, add a little whitewash to the paint.
  • Spray vinegar in the corners where moisture accumulates to prevent mold growth.
  • Keep an eye out for leaks and plumbing leaks and fix them before moisture reaches other spaces.

Effectiveness of home dehumidifiers

Home dehumidifiers like the ones just described have certain advantages. They are easy to make, they do not consume energy and they help to take care of the environment.because they are made with natural ingredients.

However, they are not as powerful and their effectiveness is limited to small spaces and corners. So if you have a major moisture problem, apart from identifying and addressing the cause, you may need to purchase and use an appliance.

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