Column for Life: A Gentle Greeting from Spring | life & knowledge

by time news

What is really important? What touches us today – and will not go away tomorrow? It’s the things that have moved us since human existence: happiness, love, family, partnership, time, stress, loneliness, farewell, grief.

BILD columnist Louis Hagen*, who comes from a German-Jewish family, sought answers to the eternal questions of mankind from poets, thinkers and researchers. And found a few answers that are amazingly simple – and yet can enrich our lives.


There are things that repeat themselves every year – but we are always delighted and happy when we see them.

Have you already discovered what nature has in store for us these days? The first crocuses! Not the ones from the flower shop. The real ones from the barren soil.

It’s still winter cold, but the sight of this little light blue plant warms our hearts. The symbol that everyone understands and everyone feels: Yes, it’s that time again.

BILD columnist Louis Hagen

Photo: Wolf Lux

The new life begins, we shake off what weighed us down. The old dress will be shed, we’ll soon be sleeveless again. And the spring wind will refresh us like a fountain of youth in life.

My friend Matthias has just returned from a walk with his wife. “Do you know what we saw?” he asked me cheerfully. “The spring!”

May you, dear readers, think it exaggerated. I think it’s like a parable of our own life, the endless cycle. In winter, life kind of gets tired, and we get tired with it. In spring we wake up and feel new strength. And the longing is great.

You may also have such thoughts when you see the first crocus this year. If he could call out, he might say: Don’t be grumpy, dear human. I’m here, the spring flower. And I’m here for you

Let’s enjoy together how wonderful nature is. Today, tomorrow, always. And experience how Eduard Möricke put it so wonderfully:

Spring lets its blue ribbon

Flutter through the air again;

Sweet, well-known scents

Forebodingly roam the land.

* Louis Hagen (76) was a member of the BILD editor-in-chief for 13 years and is now a consultant at the communications agency WMP. His texts have also been published as a book and are available at

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