Presidency of Medef: number two Patrick Martin announces his candidacy

by time news

A new candidate in the running to take the head of Medef. The current deputy president and number two of Medef, Patrick Martin, announced Friday his candidacy for the presidency of the employers’ organization that Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux must leave this summer, in an interview with Figaro. This candidacy comes after that of Dominique Carlac’h, vice-president and spokesperson for Medef, in the ranks since Tuesday.

To be able to compete, the contenders must by the beginning of May gather 150 sponsorships among 550 members of the general assembly of the organization. Each of these members can grant a maximum of three referrals. The campaign will conclude with an electronic ballot on July 6 in which 1,120 members of the organization’s elective assembly will participate.

A candidacy thought for “several weeks”

“I am a candidate for the presidency of Medef. I have been thinking about it for several weeks with a hundred business leaders and I am presenting myself with a lot of determination,” Patrick Martin told Le Figaro.

Among the broad outlines of his program, he indicates that he wants to “lead very clearly the fight for growth”, which “it alone generates employment, makes it possible to finance our social model thanks to contributions and will make it possible to finance the considerable investments, in particularly in terms of innovation, required by the essential decarbonization of our production methods”.

“I have no protectionist or anti-European ambitions, I assure you, but in the intense competition that we are experiencing, it is vital not to be naive,” he also declares. And to continue: “More generally, we will have to fight to loosen the grip of the increasingly illegible and contradictory regulations which handicap our companies”.

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