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The OEI in Latin America > Paraguay > News > 21 public institutions in Paraguay will have the new Technical Baccalaureate in Tourism Services as an educational offer

March 10, 2023


Education and Vocational Training

Within the framework of the Impulsando la Educación project, the Ministry of Education and Sciences (MEC), together with the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), and with the support of the European Union (EU) , presented the Technical Baccalaureate of Tourist Services in the modality of Transition Experimental Plan, cohort 2023-2025; which will be implemented in 21 public institutions in the country, with the accompaniment of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security (MTESS), and the collaboration of the National Secretariat of Tourism (SENATUR).

The activity took place at the National College of EMD “Gral. Elizardo Aquino”, with the presence of the Vice Minister of Basic Education, Alcira Sosa; the Director of the OEI in Paraguay, Germán García da Rosa; the Cooperation Attaché of the Delegation of the European Union, Helen Conefrey; the General Director of the Third Cycle of Basic School Education and Secondary Education, Norma López Rolandi.

Likewise, the representative of the (MTESS), David Cano; the representative of the Senatur, Asunción Azcona; the Director of Pedagogical Management for Technical Baccalaureates and Professional Media Training, Violeta Laconich; supervisors and directors of Secondary Education institutions that will implement the new educational offer, as well as representatives of students who will study the specialty.

The curricular design of the “Technical Baccalaureate in Tourism Services” of the Hospitality Professional Family, is the first educational offer that is implemented in the modality of the Experimental Transition Plan, and developed with professional profiles from the National Catalog of Professional Profiles (CNPP). It is important to point out that it was worked on with educational actors from the institutions that implement Hospitality Professional Family (FmP) proposals, with businessmen dedicated to the field and with the close collaboration of SENATUR, which was present in the different consultative and for the elaboration of the professional profiles and associated training modules of this FmP.

The graduate of this new baccalaureate will be able to provide advice and assistance in tourist destinations in their community; promote and sell tourist packages in travel agencies; as well as taking care of the reception of tourists in small accommodation establishments.

This implementation is being accompanied through teacher training, both in the pedagogical field, a process already started, and in updating specific sectoral contents.

This and other curricular updates are associated with the CNPP, which is being enriched with new professional profiles and associated training modules for qualification levels N1, N2 and N3, with the contribution of Line 3 of Component 3 “Expansion of the National Catalog of Profiles Professionals and of the respective qualifications” line that works directly with the Interministerial Technical Unit (UTI) where efforts are joined between the MEC and the MTESS.

Based on this, in technical roundtables with the productive sector, the jobs, professional profiles and modules associated with them will be defined, which will allow the development of curricular proposals that respond efficiently to the requirements of the world of work, and enable students to be trained for an effective labor insertion.

In this context, priority has been given to updating the curricula of Hospitality Professional Families (HOSP), Electricity and Electronics (ELEL), Administration and Management (ADYG), and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

To date, educational offers have been completed for the first three professional families worked, adding five new offers for Technical Baccalaureates, three new offers for Higher Technicians and one offer for Vocational Training, and the construction of new educational offers corresponding to six professional families.

The activity is part of the actions of Component 3 “Technical and Professional Training and National System of Professional Qualifications”, and through the work carried out by Line 4 “Relevant skills and knowledge acquired by students who complete technical and higher education for their insertion in the labor market”, of the project Impulsando la Educación.

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