Announcement of Ha Long city master plan to 2040 | Politics

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A section of road bordering Tran Quoc Nghien beach in Ha Long city. (Photo: Thong Nhat/VNA)

On the morning of March 11, in Ha Long city, the People’s Committee of Quang Ninh province coordinated with the Ministry of Construction to announce the Ha Long city master plan to 2040, approved by the Prime Minister under Decision No. 72/QD-TTg dated February 10, 2023.

Secretary of Ha Long City Party Committee Vu Van Dien said that before Hoanh Bo district was merged into Ha Long city (before December 2019), Ha Long city was managed with construction planning according to the project. Planning Adjustment approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 702/QD-TTg dated June 7, 2019; Hoanh Bo district is managed according to the construction master plan for the southern area of ​​Hoanh Bo district approved by the People’s Committee of Quang Ninh province in Decision No. 1989/QD-UBND dated May 14, 2019.

Ha Long City and Hoanh Bo district (old) has developed zoning planning projects, detailed planning according to the two general planning projects mentioned above to manage and implement investment in construction and urban development.

[Nhiều giải pháp thực hiện Quy hoạch chung Hạ Long đến năm 2040]

According to the general plan, Ha Long city will be built and developed into a tourist, service, civilized, friendly city, a national service-tourism center of international stature with an infrastructure system. A modern and synchronous socio-economic stratum linking the conservation and sustainable development of the world natural wonder heritage Ha Long Bay and the Dong Son-Ky Thuong nature reserve.

Ha Long City develops in a sustainable way in accordance with the requirements of green growth and adaptation to climate change, taking Cua Luc Bay as the connection center, in the direction of multipolarity, in harmony with the world natural heritage. Ha Long Bay and mountainous areas north of the city.

Regarding urban development, Ha Long city will have a population of about 620,000-650,000 people in 2030 and about 800,000-830,000 people in 2040.

Ha Long City develops according to the model of 5 regions. Specifically, the Ha Long region is an area that preserves and promotes the values ​​of the world natural heritage of Ha Long Bay.

The Eastern region is an existing urban area associated with the functions of a provincial-level administrative, political and cultural center and a general center.

The Western region is an expanding urban area associated with international service, tourism and entertainment functions, port services and industry, high technology, regional health and sports centers. .

In addition, the Cua Luc Bay area and the northern area of ​​Cua Luc Bay are new urban areas, developing eco-tourism, cultural, entertainment, high-tech industries, reserve and development centers. provincial public service center.

The northern mountainous region is a rural and mountainous area associated with the functions of ecological conservation, agricultural and forestry production, and community eco-tourism.

In the spatial organization model of the province’s development “one center, two multi-dimensional routes, two breakthroughs, three dynamic zones”: Ha Long city is identified as the center, the political-administrative center- economy and culture of the province. At the same time, in the dynamic region of the expanded Ha Long megacity, including: Ha Long, Cam Pha, Quang Yen, Uong Bi, and Dong Trieu.

This is the center of multi-sectoral synthesis of the province, with the main economic sectors being tourism, services, manufacturing and processing industries, high technology, mining industry, seaports, clean energy industries. ,…

Ha Long is also identified as the center of the region. The development of Ha Long city is very important for the overall development of the province.

Mr. Cao Tuong Huy, Acting Chairman of the People’s Committee of Quang Ninh province, emphasized that in order to meet the requirements of the new planning, Ha Long city needs to continue to review and perfect the city’s apparatus, functions and tasks. after expanding administrative boundaries, development space; organize the implementation of planning in a scientific manner, especially in urban development management; management of space, architecture, urban landscape; management and use of urban land; construction management system of infrastructure works and urban underground space.

Expeditiously review, update and supplement the city’s land use planning, ensuring consistency between construction planning and land use planning; especially the key plannings, projects and works of the province.

Along with that, continuing to promote administrative reform, improving the business investment environment favorable for all economic sectors, especially the private sector development, as an important driving force to improve efficiency and health. compete…

To implement the general plan, in the period of 2022-2025, Ha Long city will complete the urban framework infrastructure system; deploy green urban development associated with smart urban model; complete traffic routes and intersections connecting with Ha Long-Van Don expressway, Cua Luc 1 bridge, Cua Luc 3 bridge and the ring road along Cua Luc bay; tourism infrastructure projects are being implemented in Bai Chay, Hung Thang, Tuan Chau.

In the period 2025-2030, develop and improve the quality of coastal space, complete coastal roads, public spaces and coastal public tourism.

Along with that, in the period 2031-2040, expand the connection to neighboring areas such as Uong Bi city, Cam Pha city and Quang Yen town to create a space for harmonious development, based on the principle of conservation and promotion Ha Long Bay World Natural Heritage.

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Nguyen Tuong Van, Deputy Minister of Construction suggested that Quang Ninh province and Ha Long city need to organize the elaboration and promulgation of the Regulation on management of architecture in Ha Long city; comprehensive management of construction investment activities, Urban Developmentmanage space, architecture and urban landscape in accordance with the approved general planning.

In particular, develop mechanisms and policies related to investment, finance and land to implement priority investment projects and areas located in the relic protection zone./.

Thanh Van (VNA/Vietnam+)

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