“Bouayach” has adopted isolation, exclusion, and possession as a method and a constant choice – Day 24

by time news

The Justice and Development Party said that its general secretariat discussed the creation of the National Council for Human Rights, what was called a “working group on a proposal to review the Family Code in the context of crystallizing a comprehensive vision for its reform.” Surprisingly, the Council’s president informed of the creation of this group, and what characterized its “formation.” From the exclusion of broad currents and sensitivities that exist and are rooted in Moroccan society, no matter how much the President of the Council tries to ignore them, and its formation was characterized by the dominance of an intellectual and political trend that does not reflect the pluralism of Moroccan society.

The party believes that “the president of the council has become adopting isolation, exclusion, and acquisition as a consistent approach and choice,” recalling that the National Council for Human Rights, as stipulated in Article 161 of the constitution, is a pluralistic and independent national institution that exercises its competence within the scope of full care to respect national references before references. universality in the field of human rights.

The party alerted the Speaker of the Council, and said that she “does not miss an opportunity to recall the universal references without the national references,” declaring its absolute rejection of “the method of exclusion, domination and domination, which has come to characterize national institutions and perpetuate exclusivity in them by a certain group, which is the property of the state and society, and is not the property of a dominant group.” Incapable of reading history and benefiting from its lessons and lessons, and condemning the unilateralism and non-democracy that characterize the behavior of the President of the Council even within its structures,” according to the expression of the statement.

The party added, “We remind the Speaker of the Council that her daring on the issue of the Family Code outside the logic of national consensus and balance expressed by the royal speech is an explicit transgression of the methodology set by His Majesty the King, may God protect him, which does not serve the national interest in anything.”

The statement affirmed that the Justice and Development Party “will continue to perform its national roles defending the Islamic reference as the reference for the state and society, and it is the same reference on which the Mutawada of the ruling family of the Maliki school of thought is based,” adding, “although the party is open to the discussion on amending the Mudawana in the direction of achieving More fairness to women, protection of children’s rights, and preservation of men’s dignity, it will confront all attempts of domination, bullying, and exclusion practiced against it and against what it represents of a broad societal sensitivity that cannot be ignored simply by the deliberate electoral curtailment with which the party was directed.

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