BrianzAcque, zero kilometer water dispensers in the vaccination center of Besana Brianza

by time news

They were inaugurated late in the morning today two self-service water services installed in the vaccination center of the Ezio Perego building in via De Gasperi, in Besana Brianza. The pair of dispensers was made available by BrianzAcque, the public company owned by the municipalities that manages the water service in Monza and Brianza. One will be used to offer free refreshment with good zero-kilometer mains water to health and administrative personnel and volunteers. The other, on the other hand, will be available to citizens waiting to receive the inoculation of the anti Covid vaccine.

“We hope that our water on tap will offer relief to all those who pass by the hub – says the president and CEO of BrianzAcque, Enrico Boerci-. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have launched a series of solidarity measures to mitigate the economic and social impact of the virus on the community served. And the entry of the providers into such an important structure for the health and safety of people, only testifies to the value of the synergistic activity carried out with the municipalities, the social health bodies and the third sector. Upon request, we are ready to install new ones in the other active vaccination points in Brianza “.

“I thank BrianzAcque for the sensitivity shown in equipping us with the regulators and the speed with which he did it – comments the mayor of Besana Brianza, Emanuele Pozzoli-. This gesture demonstrates that this is not just a vaccination campaign but a call to arms in which the Brianza institutions are responding responsibly in the vicinity of health workers and citizens of Brianza “.

At the short ceremony, which took place in compliance with the anti-Covid limitations in force, in addition to the president and CEO of BrianzAcque Enrico Boerci and the mayor of Besana Brianza Emanuele Pozzoli, the socio-sanitary director of Ats Brianza, Antonio Colaianni, the social health director of Asst were present Brianza, Guido Grignaffini, the regional councilor Alessandro Corbetta, the president of the order of doctors of Monza and Brianza, Carlo Maria Teruzzi, the councilor of BrianzAcque, Gilberto Celletti.

“We are happy to share this initiative – underlines the social and health director of Ats Brianza, Antonio Colaianni– which enriches a team effort between many subjects from different fields in the fight against the pandemic. The vaccination campaign is the greatest response to the virus and, through collaborations like this one, the offer to the citizens of our territory has an added value: the initiative to provide water dispensers available to both health personnel and citizens who they go to the vaccination points. “Remarks Guido Grignaffini, social and health director of Asst Brianza: “I would like to thank the whole BrianzAcque team. The free drinking water for operators and citizens is the result of team work for the territory for the benefit of vaccination centers and the large flow of people who in recent months they will pass through “.

To facilitate the use of bulk water, whose consumption is destined to increase with the arrival of heat and summer, BrianzAcque, together with the dispensers, has distributed a first batch of a thousand branded glasses, biodegradable and compostable. The zero kilometer water, which will be ‘tapable’ in the fresh, still and sparkling versions, guarantees economic savings and is good for the environment because it involves a reduction in pollution linked to the production, handling and recycling of used plastic bottles. and throws. In order to avoid any kind of gathering, the BrianzAcque water will be collected and distributed to the population by the volunteers of the Civil Protection, present at the entrance to the hub.

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