AMLO’s son would have received a drug not approved by Cofepris

by time news
  • Remdesivir is an antiviral that was approved by Cofepris on March 12, 2021 for the treatment of patients with Covid-19.
  • Now AMLO’s eldest son is accused of receiving this drug at the Central Military Hospital a month before it was authorized.
  • Until now, this medication is only for the exclusive use of health authorities and cannot be purchased or sold in pharmacies.

José Ramón López Beltrán is the eldest son of AMLO and on several occasions he has been involved in various controversies. A few months ago, the luxurious house in which he lives in Houston was unveiled. The biggest criticism that was made of her is that she is not consistent with the austerity that her father and president of Mexico presumes. While now an alleged case of influence was uncovered to obtain medical treatment not available in Mexico.

To begin with, it is necessary to talk about the current panorama of Covid-19 in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of March 10, 2023, there had been registered 6.8 million deaths. The situation seems controlled in most countries, although it does not mean that the pandemic is over.

As previously observed, the The appearance of new variants is latent and could cause all the efforts made to be insufficient. Similarly, the SARS CoV-2 virus is not the only dangerous one because there are other pathogens that could cause new health crises.

Did AMLO’s son have privileges to receive Remdesivir before being approved by Cofepris?

But now it’s time to settle in February 2021. At that time, Mexico was in one of the worst moments of the pandemic. Hospitals did not have places available to receive patients and oxygen tanks were disputed throughout the national territory.

It was in this context that the AMLO’s eldest son was infected with Covid-19. According to a report by Latinus, a serious case of influencerism involving the health authorities was generated.

Based on the journalistic investigation, José Ramón was treated at the Central Military Hospital. The main problem is that he was administered Remdesivira medicine that today already has the permission of the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) although at that time it had not yet been authorized.

In addition, mention is made of preferential treatment that AMLO’s son received. It is indicated that a special mission was carried out to obtain the drug in one of the warehouses of the Ministry of Health (SSa) and then send it to the military hospital. In the end, the patient’s recovery was achieved, although this type of care is in no way available to the rest of the population.

In this case, the discussion is that Remdesivir was approved in Mexico until March 2021. Therefore what was done in favor of AMLO’s son would be a clear case of influentialism that not only involves the military authorities but also the health authorities.

Who can receive this drug?

For its part, in April 2021, Cofepris published the guidelines for the use of Remdesivir in Mexico. It clearly mentions the requirements that patients must meet to receive this drug.

  • That the patient has received a confirmatory diagnosis of being a carrier of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
  • That the patient has had less than seven days with symptoms.
  • That the patient has at least one of the main risk and comorbidity factors such as age, diabetes, hypertension, heart or respiratory failure.
  • That the patient is hospitalized for needing supplemental oxygen.

Over the months, the indications have changed, although to date it is one of the few drugs that have been shown to help in the recovery of infected patients.

For its part, something that has not changed is that up to now Remdesivir is for the exclusive use of health institutions. Therefore it is not for sale nor can it be marketed within the national territory. Although abroad it costs the equivalent of 40 thousand pesos.

Meanwhile, what do you think about the special treatment that AMLO’s eldest son received to obtain a drug not approved by Cofepris?

Also read:

Remdesivir would be the first drug with a public utility license, what is it?

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