The famous teacher: the late Rabbi Yerachmiel Alperovitz

by time news

Rabbi Yirachmiel Alperovitz, one of the oldest and most important Chabad Hasids and a veteran teacher in Bnei Brak for many years, passed away at the age of 95. He was blessed with a blessed generation of righteous people. His funeral will be held tonight in Jerusalem

Baruch Dayan the truth: On Holy Shabbat evening, we received the sad news of the passing away in a good shivah of the late Rabbi Yerachmiel Alperovitz, one of the oldest and most important Chabad Chassidim and the best of the veteran teachers in Bnei Brak for decades, and he was 95 years old at the time of his death.

The late Rabbi Yerachmiel Alperovitz was born in Moscow, Russia, on the 7th of Adar 1888 to his Hasidic father Rabbi Chaim Moshe Alperovitz and his mother Mrs. Daba Gita.

BJ Iyer 1987 the family immigrated to the Land of Israel, in the year 591 after his family immigrated to the Land of Israel he attended the Chai Olam Yeshiva and the Ahi Tamimim Yeshiva Tel Aviv, until the year 599.

In his first years after his marriage to his wife Mrs. Froma, A.H., Rabbi Yerachmiel lived in Bnei Brak, where most of his children were born. After over 40 years in which Rabbi Yerachmiel lived in Bnei Brak, his spouse died on 2 Shebat 5556, he married In a second marriage and moved to Jerusalem.

A few years after his wedding, he began working in education, when the late Rebbe learned about this, Rabbi Yerachmiel received a blessing from the Rebbe that he would be able to raise successful students, a blessing that proved itself many years later.

In the year 579 Rabbi Yerahmiel received the blessing of the Rebbe in the field of education that his students would grow up God-fearing and learned, and he was already known in those years as a very successful educator. Yerachmiel Rabbi Aharon Mordechai Zilberstrom of Kfar Saba, and the Independent Education Center. Rabbi Zilberstrom wanted Rabbi Yerachmiel to be a teacher at a Chabad school in Kfar Saba, and at the independent education center Rabbi Yerachmiel wanted him to serve as a teacher in one of their Torah Talmuds.

Rabbi Yerachmiel asked the Rebbe what to do, and the Rebbe’s answer was that wherever he found himself – he would create a Hasidic environment. And he understood from this that the Rebbe wanted him to go and teach Talmud Torah of the ‘independent education’ in Bnei Brak, where he could spread the teachings of Hasidism even more strongly, and he did so.

Rabbi Yerachmiel added Hasidic leadership to his students, and used to regularly hang pictures of Chabad rebbes in his classroom, as a result a group of parents arose who wanted to fire him from his position as an educator in Talmud Torah, and after the principal did not agree to this, a group of parents arranged for the current principal to be replaced by another principal, and in 2007 Rabbi Yerachmiel did indeed receive a letter of dismissal. After receiving the letter of dismissal, Rabbi Yerachmiel sat down to write a letter to the rabbi who wanted to be fired and even sent a copy of the letter of dismissal. The Rebbe’s response was that he would remain in place, and the Rebbe wished him great success in his future there .

Some time later, R. Yerachmiel met a Jewish Hasidic from Vizhnitz, that Hasidic told R. Yerakhmiel that his son was going to be in his class next year, after R. Yerakhmiel told that Hasidic that he was fired, the same Hasidic went to the offices of the independent education and spoke with them, and made them inform R Yerahmiel that he remained in his position.

This was repeated again after a year in 1959 when the parents succeeded once again in replacing the management of the Talmud Torah, and all this with the aim of firing. Rabbi Alparovitch told this to the Rebbe and the Rebbe smiled and said “in addition to success”. Indeed it turned out that the new director’s brother was a Hasidic Chabad and thus Rabbi Alparovitch was saved once more. Rabbi Alparovitch continued his work in Talmud Torah with the Rebbe’s encouragement and blessing for many more years.

In Jerusalem, Rabbi Yerachmiel was one of the great figures of Mea Shearim, where he was every year at all the gatherings of 19 Kislo in the ancient Chabad Synagogue, singing and happy as usual every year.

Rabbi Yerachmiel won and left behind him a blessed generation of righteous people of an extensive family. His sons, the influential Rabbi Ozer Alparovitch – Kfar Chabad, Rabbi Shlomo Alparovitch – Kfar Chabad, Rabbi Yekutiel Alparovitch of Nachalat Har Chabad, his son Rabbi Yosef Lipa Alparovitch of Jerusalem, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Alparovitch of Crown Heights, Rabbi Shmuel Alperovitz from Vienna and his daughters: Mrs. Sarah Shasha Alperovitz and Mrs. Rebecca Shingarten – Argentina.

The funeral procession tonight, Moscha Shabbat Kodesh Parshat that will be carried at 11:00 PM from the funeral home located in Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives where he will be buried.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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