the inter-union calls on Emmanuel Macron to organize a “citizen consultation”

by time news

The unions made this request “solemnly” in a press release published this Saturday, the evening of the seventh day of mobilization against the executive’s project.

To appeal directly to the French on the question of pensions. This is what the unions are now demanding. In a press release published this Saturday, on the evening of the seventh day of mobilization against the text of the executive, the intersyndicale “solemnly requests the government to organize a public consultation on this subject as soon as possible“. It thus reiterates the request made a few hours earlier, before the start of the Paris demonstration, by several number one of the central trade unions.

«Since he (Emmanuel Macron) is so sure of himself, he consults the citizens!“, had declared, bravado, Philippe Martinez, the secretary general of the CGT. “There must be a consultation of the citizens of this countryon the reform, he had hammered. “The government uses the weapons at its disposal, everyone uses theirs!“, had noted, meanwhile, Frédéric Souillot, his counterpart of Force Ouvrière (FO). “We say, in inter-union, since social democracy is not listened to, it is perhaps necessary to go towards the consultation of the citizens. It is an option that exists“said Laurent Berger, the boss of the CFDT.

An “arm of honor” from Emmanuel Macron

The inter-union stresses that the petition against the pension reform “has collected more than a million signatories, this is well above the number of signatories for Parliament to consider“, perhaps implying by this the track of a referendum of shared initiative (RIP).

The unions have also expressed their anger at the head of state’s refusal to accept their request to meet him. From now on, they no longer hold back their blows. In the press release published on Saturday evening, they denounce “the contempt in which Emmanuel Macron stubbornly refuses to receive (them)“. In the Parisian procession on Saturday, the bosses of the power stations had already made no secret of their annoyance at a totally blocked social situation.

«The determination has passed the stage of the big anger“said Philippe Martinez. Like his counterparts in other structures, the number one of the CGT had said he was worried about the evolution of the social movement. “The government is taking the risk that citizens will say to themselves: what more do we need to do to get them to listen to us? […]. The response of the President of the Republic is: “screw you”“, had launched the head of the central Montreuil, in a tone without appeal.

«The feeling of the employees is that they have been given the finger of honor“, had also grumbled on his side Laurent Berger. “I implore those who run this country to get out of this form of denial of the social movement“, he had insisted, evoking a form of”amazement“Faced with the end of inadmissibility of the President of the Republic. “They don’t even receive us, so what does it cost to receive us!“, had also sighed Benoît Teste, the secretary general of the FSU.

TO HAVE ALSO – Retreats: Laurent Berger “implore“Emmanuel Macron to go out”denial of the social movement»

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