Manolo Jiménez is the best profile: Alito Moreno

by time news

Alito Moreno assured that the candidate for the Va Por Coahuila alliance is the best profile. (Photo: FERNANDO COMPEÁN / EL SIGLO DE TORREÓN)

Manolo Jiménez took protest as a candidate for the governorship of Coahuila for the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).

In his message, he thanked the support and backing of the current governor, Miguel Ángel Riquelme Solís; and Alejandro “Alito” Moreno, national president of the PRI. He also assured that he was prepared to govern the entity.

“We are moving forward so that our state can consolidate itself as the best place in Mexico to live with our families.”

For his part, Alito Moreno assured that the candidate for the Va Por Coahuila alliance is the best profile.

“Manolo is an example of what the PRI promotes: a talented, professional young politician who speaks up. He is recognized for his work and is an example of a new generation politician who knows that the only way for the state to do well is by adding wills. He is the axis to build unity and strengthen the political process of Coahuila ”.

It should be remembered that on February 12, the PRI Coahuila defined its candidate in an unprecedented day, since 503,823 citizens went to the polls and supported the candidacy of Manolo Jiménez for governor of Coahuila.

At the time, Jiménez endorsed his commitment to maintain what is good in the state and to innovate and change what needs to be improved. “It goes for the present and future of Coahuila, it goes for the most valuable thing we have: our families”.

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