how the Disability Card – works

by time news
Of Maria Giovanna Faiella

The Ministry for Disabilities clarifies: the European Disability Card can be used to certify conditions of disability at public offices (it replaces paper and verbal certificates) and also for the issue/renewal of the parking pass

The Unified European Disabled Permit (CUDE) or parking permit for the disabled is a special permit which is used to facilitate the mobility of people with disabilities, since it allows the circulation of the cars they use, even in restricted traffic areas and parking in specially reserved spaces. It is issued by the Municipality of residence
and to holders of the state of civil invalid or handicap (Law 104, art. 3 paragraph 3) which also have another requirementi.e. the significantly reduced or impeded ability to walk

The reporting

Tell the Health Courier a reader from Potenza, Salvatore Marcantonio, 80 years old: Devo renew the “disabled pass” expired, so I showed the City employees the “European Disability Card” (or “disability card”) issued by INPS, which certifies both my condition of serious disability and not subject to a revision visit (
my health conditions cannot improve) or having right to label which now I have to renew. But they didn’t accept it and they have me asked for a new medical certification which must be released by the medico-legal office of the Asl of Potenza. However, the Municipality already has, since the first issue of the sticker, the health documentation certifying my disability due to pathologies that are not subjected to a revision visit; moreover, since 2018, in Basilicata the functions of ascertaining the disability requirements have been entrusted to INPS, the same body that issued the disability card.

The costs of the bureaucracy

Mr. Marcantonio repeatedly asks City officials to apply the rules in force on the Disability Card, a document that is issued by INPS – upon request – to people with certified invalidity and/or severe disabilities and allows both certify their condition of disability at public offices without having to show paper certificates or disability reports issued by the medico-legal Commissions, both of access goods and services, public or private, free of charge or at discounted rates. I insisted several times protesting against these useless bureaucratic steps – he says -. They replied that they abide by the traditional procedure for the renewal of the disabled pass; but, if they exist
new laws that serve to simplify the life of those with disabilities
why are they not applied? I raised the question so that other people with severe disabilities do not run into these situations, that is also be forced to deal with bureaucracy, as well as spending money unnecessarily; In fact, a certificate issued by a family doctor costs 40 euros who, moreover, does not receive the invalidity report from the medico-legal commissions.

The response of the Ministry for Disabilities

Health Courier asked the Ministry for Disabilities to clarify, which replied by reiterating that: Pursuant to Article 6 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 6 November 2020 “Definition of the criteria for issuing the European Disability Card in Italy”, the Card holders

can get the benefits provided simply “exhibiting the same
, without further formalities or requests from the State administrations
of the public and private entities that have signed the agreementssubject to verification of ownership of the Card”. The European Disability Card can therefore be used to certify one’s condition of disability at public offices, effectively replacing the paper certificates and reports.

Municipal offices can verify the requirements

With respect to the reader’s report, then, the Ministry for Disabilities specifies that the Disability card can be shown, in place of other certifications, also for the purpose of issuing

the CUDE Mark
. With the permission of the applicantIndeed, the competent municipal offices have the option to use the Card for to verifywith telematic procedure, the type or degree of disability and, therefore, the existence or otherwise of rnecessary requirements for the purpose of issuing or renewing the CUDE. In this way, – the Ministry of Disability underlines once again – one simplification in fulfillmentcombining the principle ofinclusion and the protection of the rights of people with disabilities with that ofefficiency he was born in b
the progress of the administrative action.

Making life easier for those with disabilities

To date, depending on the Municipality in which one resides – even the Region itself -, one benefits or not from measures that make life less complicated of people with disabilities and their families. The Ministry of Disabilities still says Health Courier: We are aware of the existence of certain difference in recognition
of the Charter at the local level and we are working on several fronts to overcome them. To this end, the Minister has already represented to the competent Commissions of the Chamber and Senate, during the hearings on the programmatic guidelines, his intention to broaden the field of application of the Charter at a national level.

March 12, 2023 (change March 12, 2023 | 08:47)

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