Ireland take down Scotland and remain unbeaten in the competition

by time news

4/4 for Ireland! After dominating Wales, France and Italy, the XV of Clover continued its clear round in the Six Nations Tournament by winning at Murrayfield against Scotland (22-7), Sunday 12 March. A success which took shape at the end of the meeting and which puts Jonathan Sexton and his teammates on the royal road to the Grand Slam: they will have to get rid of the XV de la Rose on Saturday March 18 in Dublin – probably still bruised by the slap received against the Blues.

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If they succeed, there is no doubt that this victory on Scottish soil will hold a special place in the course of Andy Farrell’s men. “Being able to win a Triple Crown [titre décerné à une équipe britannique battant les trois autres dans le Tournoi] is huge for the Scots, was wary of the Irish coach in the week. The opposition always have their say, we play against a good team on Sunday. » The start of the XV du Thistle match did not prove him wrong.

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Transcended by the support of their public, and the prospect still intact before the meeting of winning this edition of the Six Nations, the Scots started at a frantic pace, which put the Irish defense to the torture. Result, the center Huw Jones ended up finding the fault (17e), scoring his fourth try in the competition. Opposite, the green of the Irish tunics seemed very pale. Far from the control displayed against the XV of France, the Irish could not put their game in place and multiplied the approximations.

If only a light rain fell on Murrayfield this Sunday, a massacre of injuries fell on the XV of Clover, darkening their sky even more in the first minutes of the match. The third line Caelan Doris had to leave first (13e), quickly followed in the infirmary by hooker Dan Sheehan (19e), second-row Iain Henderson (25e), then by substitute hooker Ronan Kelleher at the start of the second half (49e).

Deprived of the professional number 2 in the field, they had to rely on third-line Josh van der Flier to make the throws into touch in the second act… with variable results.

Ireland ended up accelerating

But nothing seems to be able to reach this Irish team, which has been walking on water for several months and sits at the top of the world rankings. The XV of Clover first reacted by Mack Hansen, author of a corner test (28e), before the other winger James Lowe also went there with his speedy achievement in his lane (57e), just as his teammates began to accelerate.

The case was definitely heard a few minutes later when the third-line Jack Conan scored the third and last try of his team (61e). Jonathan Sexton then took the opportunity to enter a little more the story of a brushed transformation ending his race between the posts: these two points allowed him to return to the height of his illustrious compatriot Ronan O’Gara at the top of the ranking of top scorers in the history of the Six Nations Tournament (557 points).

Another record for the star of the XV of Clover which will be anecdotal next week if the Irish reach their goal and win the competition. Only the Blues can still stop them, but the band of Antoine Dupont will have to win against Wales at all costs, and count on a misstep from Ireland against England.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers France beats the XV of the Rose in its temple in the Six Nations Tournament

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