The SUNU Assurances Vie Niger team educates journalists on the importance of life insurance

by time news

As part of the implementation of its activities, SUNU Assurances Vie Niger organized on Thursday, March 9, 2023, an information and awareness day for journalists. This initiative made it possible to educate media people on the importance of life insurance and the advantages relating thereto.

For the Managing Director of SUNU Assurances Vie Niger, Mr. Thierno Madiou Diallo, journalists are the best vehicle to enable SUNU Assurances Vie Niger to play its role beyond the advertising pages. “We thought that your role of raising awareness among the populations deserves that we have a synergy” indicated Mr. Diallo.

During this awareness session, the team of SUNU Assurances Vie Niger got down to explaining to the media, what life insurance is, the underwriting procedures, the different types of products and services. …

To return to life insurance, we must remember that it is a question of providing solutions in relation to the financial consequences of the occurrence of a happy or unhappy event. Otherwise, it is a question of finding a solution to cover the financial consequences, support for care or assistance following the occurrence of an event. It should be noted that the life insurance contract is dependent on the life of the man and has as its purpose the payment of capital or annuity in the event of survival or death of the insured or of a group of insured. .

This contract, specified the Central and Operational Director, Mr. Moustapha Ahmoud, is accessible to anyone with a bank account (ideally). The minimum payment required per month, he said, starts from 5500 FCFA over 10 years to have a capital of one million CFA Francs for a live product like “Avenir Enfant”. The duration of these life insurance contracts can be temporary or lifetime.

SUNU Assurances Vie Niger offers customers several types of products, namely: savings and capitalization contracts; death contracts and mixed contracts.

Savings and capitalization contracts make it possible to put money aside for the realization of various projects in the event of life at the end of the contract. Certain types of contract, explained the Central Operational Director, are valued at an interest rate of 3.5% gross per annum and profit sharing.

With regard to the death contract, it allows insurance coverage in the event of death or partial or permanent disability. Clearly, life insurance allows the insured to protect his family from the vagaries of life by guaranteeing a capital to the designated beneficiaries or the reimbursement of a loan taken out at a bank by the insured of his alive. The interest of life insurance, for example for home loans, lies in the fact that SUNU Assurances Vie Niger takes the place of the client, in the event of death before the agreed due date, for the repayment of the loan so that the rights holders can benefit from housing.

SUNU Assurances Vie Niger also offers drawdown savings products with several local banks. The customer, thanks to draws organized each quarter, has the possibility of leaving with the capital subscribed before term if he is up to date with his contributions. In addition to the various products mentioned above, SUNU Assurances Vie Niger has also initiated what is called “loss of employment” insurance. This contract, still according to Mr. AHMOUD, is a way for SUNU Assurances Vie Niger to support the insured in the event of dismissal for economic reasons over a certain period of time, the time for the insured to find a new job.

Through several practical cases, relevant explanations, the team of SUNU Assurances Vie Niger was able to remove the doubts and concerns of journalists in connection with issues of guarantee and the reliability of life insurance in Niger.

It should be noted that SUNU Assurances Vie Niger is the leading life insurance company in Niger. It started these activities in 2000 (UGAN-Vie) and is the leader of the life market which has two (02) companies in Niger. SUNU Assurances Vie Niger, like the SUNU Group, aims to be a benchmark insurance brand in Niger, profitable, innovative, digitalized and driven by committed human capital. This by developing attractive products that are accessible to all so that every Nigerien feels concerned.

Rahila Tagou(one)

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