The activists are furious: “We didn’t get any job, they are thinking of ending Likud” • First publication

by time news

Outrage in groups of Likud activists following reports about the position that Guy Levy from Netanyahu’s entourage would receive, when they failed to arrange jobs for other activists • One of the activities: “I’m thinking of ending Likud, we were thrown out on the roads and never received any compensation”

Outrage among groups of senior Likud activists tonight (Sunday), those who are considered very close to the party’s chairman, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The reason for the outrage is following reports about the position that Guy Levy from Netanyahu’s entourage will receive, who promoted an information campaign in favor of Netanyahu and against his legal cases. The senior activists are furious about the appointment Levi will receive, when they failed to arrange jobs for other activists.

The activist Orli Lev, who is among other things behind the demonstrations by Likud activists against members of the ‘Yamina’ party during the Bennet-Lapid government, wrote in anger tonight in one of the internal groups – a correspondence obtained by ‘JDN News’. “I’m thinking of ending Likud, we were thrown out on the roads and we never got anything in return,” Lev wrote, among other things. JDN News also learned that another senior activist who tried to get an appointment, Boris Aplichuk, was refused by Netanyahu’s office.

The internal message obtained by ‘JDN News’

Since the election campaign, there has been a disgruntled group of senior Likud activists, those to whom the door of Netanyahu’s office was open until now and now it is no longer, because according to them Netanyahu and his entourage are ‘disowning them’ since they returned to power. “For 5 years, people have been thrown on the road, 5 years of working here in the group, some people have given their souls day and night, night and day without any return,” Lev wrote angrily, “If I were to list the number of demonstrations I did, big and small, with surprises and not with surprises, no Understand where I got these powers from.”

“During the 5 years, I had 4 criminal cases closed, I was taken to Lehab 433 three times for investigations, for whom and why? I never received a shekel and I did not agree to receive. People along with me were thrown on the road and never received compensation. Then come people who did not make a quarter and maybe A third, they get jobs, get money and say that I work for them (a mistake in the original) shame and dishonor. I’m thinking of ending Likud,” she added.

Guy Levy, who caused an uproar among senior Likud activists. From Levi’s Twitter

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